In the case of mixed uses, the required off-street parking spaces shall be the sum of the requirements for the separate uses. Off-street parking facilities for one use, however, shall not be considered as providing the required parking facilities for any other use, except that no more than fifty (50) percent of the off-street parking spaces required for a theater, bowling alley, dance hall, restaurant, tavern or night club may be supplied by off-street parking facilities provided for buildings or uses normally open and operated at other hours, such as financial institutions, business offices, retail businesses, personal services, manufacturing establishments and other similar uses. Not more than fifty (50) percent of the parking facilities required for the latter uses, as previously mentioned, may be supplied by such spaces provided for theaters, religious places of worship or other of the former uses, provided that a properly drawn legal instrument for the joint use of the off-street parking facilities is executed by the parties concerned, which instrument, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Law Director, shall be filed with the application for a building permit.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
The number or off-street parking spaces required shall be as follows:
For the purpose of this Zoning Code, the following parking space requirements shall apply, except within the B-D Business Downtown District:
A. Automotive Filling Stations. | One space per fuel pump. |
B. Automotive Sales. of floor area. | One space for each 800 square feet. |
C. Automotive Services. | Two spaces for each service bay. Automobile car washes shall provide sufficient stacking spaces for three vehicles per bay. |
D. Bed and Breakfast. | One space for each guest room plus two spaces for the permanent residents. |
E. Clinics. | One space for each 200 square feet of floor area. |
F. Clubs. | One space for each 250 square feet of floor area. |
G. Commercial School/Art Studio. | One space for each 300 square feet of floor area. |
H. Contractor Yard. | One space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area plus one space for each facility vehicle. |
I. Convalescent Care Facility. | One space for each four beds. |
J. Convenience Business. | One space for each 100 square feet of floor area. |
K. Day Care Center. | One space for each four persons of design capacity. |
L. Educational Institution. | Two spaces for each classroom plus one space for each four seats in the auditorium. High schools shall also include one space for each ten students of design capacity. |
M. Financial Institution. | One space for each 400 square feet of floor area plus sufficient stacking space to accommodate the number of automobiles equal to five times the number of drive-through teller windows. |
N. Funeral Home. | One space for each 100 square feet of floor area plus one reserved space for each hearse or company vehicle. |
O. Government Buildings. | One space for each 200 square feet of floor area. |
P. Group Home. | One space for each four beds. |
Q. Hospitals. | One space for each two beds. |
R. Hotel/Motels. | One space for each sleeping room plus one space for each 400 square feet of public meeting area and/or restaurant space. |
S. Manufacturing. | One space for each 600 square feet up to 3,000 square feet of gross building area. For buildings over 3,000 square feet of gross building area, one space for each 800 square feet of gross building area shall be required. |
T. Office. | One space for each 400 square feet of floor area. |
U. Personal Service. | One space for each 200 square feet of floor area. |
V. Printing and Publishing. | One space for each 500 square feet of floor area. |
W. Public Assembly Hall. | One space for each 50 square feet of floor area. |
X. Recreation, Commercial. | One space for each three seats or one space for each 100 feet of floor area, whichever is greater. |
Y. Recreation, Non-Commercial. | One space for each participant at maximum utilization. |
Z. Religious Places of Worship. | One space for each five seats in the place of assembly. |
AA. Residential, Multi-Household. | Two spaces for each dwelling unit. |
BB. Residential, Single Household. | Two spaces for each dwelling unit. |
CC. Residential, Two Household. | Two spaces for each dwelling unit. |
DD. Research and Development Laboratories. | One space for each 500 square feet of floor area. |
EE. Retail Business. | One space for each 150 square feet of floor area. |
FF. Restaurants. | One space for each 150 square feet of floor area. |
GG. Restaurants, Fast Food. | One space for each 100 square feet of floor area plus sufficient stacking space for five vehicles at each drive- through window. |
HH. Shopping Center. | Five spaces for each 1,000 square feet of floor area. |
II. Swimming Club. | One space for each 300 square feet of pool and promenade area. |
JJ. Taverns. | One space for each 100 square feet of floor area. |
KK. Veterinary Clinic/Animal Hospital. | Four spaces for each examination room. |
LL. Warehousing. | One space for each 1,000 square feet or one space for each employee, whichever is less. |
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)
Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public or private parking area shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:
A. Surfacing.
Any off-street parking area for more than five (5) vehicles and any parking lot within one hundred (100) feet of a residential district shall be suitably paved so as to provide a durable and dustless surface of asphalt, concrete, brick, or other surface approved by the Building Inspector of sufficient strength to support vehicular loads imposed on it, except that the foregoing requirements, with respect to a paved surface, shall not apply to a parking area located in an L-I or H-I District.
B. Minimum Distances and Setbacks.
No part of any parking area for more than five (5) vehicles shall be closer than ten (10) feet to any dwelling, educational institution, hospital or other institution for human care. No parking area shall be located within the front yard or side street side yard required on any lot.
C. Access.
There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress to all parking spaces. Where the lot or parking spaces do not provide direct access to a public street or alley, an access drive shall be provided, with a dedicated easement of access as follows:
1. For single household detached dwellings or two household dwellings, the access drive shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet in width.
2. For all other uses, the access drive shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width.
3. All parking spaces, except those required for single household detached dwellings and two household dwellings, shall have access to a public street or alley in such a manner that any vehicle leaving or entering the parking area from or onto a public street or alley shall be traveling in a forward motion.
4. Parking for uses not permitted in a residential district shall not be permitted in a residential district, nor shall any residential district property be utilized as access for uses not permitted in that residential district.
D. Drainage.
All parking spaces, together with driveways, aisles and other circulation areas, shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of surface water which might accumulate within or upon such area, and shall be designed to prevent the excess drainage of surface water onto adjacent properties, walkways or public streets. Adequate arrangements shall be made to ensure acceptable diversion to an adequate storm water drainage system.
E. Barriers.
Wherever a parking lot extends to a property line, fencing, wheel stops, curbs or other suitable barriers shall be provided in order to prevent any part of a parked vehicle from extending beyond the property line and from destroying the screening materials.
F. Buffering.
All parking facilities for more than five (5) vehicles shall be screened by a landscaping strip of not less than five (5) feet when abutting a residential, POD or COS District.
G. Visibility.
With the exception of the Business-Downtown District, access of driveways for parking facilities shall be located in such a way that any vehicle entering or leaving such parking area shall have an unobstructed line of sight in all directions and shall be clearly visible by any pedestrian or motorist approaching the access or driveway from a public street, private street or alley.
H. Marking.
All parking facilities required to be paved by subsection A. hereof shall be marked with paint lines, curb stones or in some other manner approved by the City and shall be maintained in a clearly visible condition.
I. Maintenance.
Any owner of property used for parking facilities shall maintain such facilities in good condition without holes and free from all dust, trash, weeds and other debris.
J. Signage.
Where necessary, due to multiple curb cuts, the entrance, exits and the intended circulation pattern shall be clearly marked in the parking area. Signage shall consist of pavement markings or freestanding directional signs in accordance with Chapter 1174.
K. Lighting.
Any lights used to illuminate roadways, parking areas, and service areas shall be so arranged as to direct the light away from the adjacent properties and rights-of- way. The maximum height of a light pole device shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet. The light lens shall be parallel to the ground and have no sidewall.
L. Curbing.
All parking areas shall have continuous concrete curbing all along the perimeter, around islands, landscaping beds and other locations within the parking lot. The concrete curb shall be Type-2 or Type-6 as per ODOT Standard Drawing BP-5.1 or equivalent.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98; Ord. 2010-158. Passed 11-15-10.)
The following regulations and standards shall apply to access drives and parking facilities for other than one or two household uses (i.e.: commercial, industrial, institutional, religious places of worship and other non-one and two household uses):
A. Owners of private property are responsible for the construction and maintenance of access drives that serve such properties, including the portion of the access drives located within the public right-of-way. No person shall hereafter construct, build, establish or alter any access drives over, across or upon any public sidewalk or tree lawn without first obtaining a driveway permit in addition to the building permit in accordance with this section.
B. An application for a driveway permit shall be made by the property owner or his or her agent on a permit form furnished by the City Engineer. The applicant is responsible for the preparation of a detailed plan of the proposed drives. The plan submitted shall become a part of the permit record and shall contain information sufficient for:
1. A review of the application;
2. A contractor to construct the proposed driveway in accordance with the terms of the permit; and
3. Serving as a record of the work authorized by the City Engineer.
A non-refundable permit fee for each curb cut, as established by Council, shall be paid at the time of issuance of the permit. Each construction, building, establishment or alteration of any access drive over, across or upon any public sidewalk or tree lawn shall require a separate permit.
The detailed plan shall be drawn to a scale of one inch to forty (40) feet or less and three (3) copies shall be submitted. The City Engineer shall retain two copies of the detailed plan and return one copy to the petitioner upon approval or disapproval thereof. The detailed plan shall contain the following information:
1. General.
The north point, scale and date of the plan;
2. Property.
The property boundary lines and dimensions thereof, the source of the same for which the access drive approval is requested, including existing easements and right-of-way lines, adjacent properties on the same frontage and adjacent properties on the opposite frontage, indicating the location of existing and/or known proposed ingress and egress to such properties;
3. Topography.
Topographical data, including existing street widths and the location of edges, curbs, islands, sidewalks, catch basins, inlets, fire hydrants, culverts, drainage ditches or water courses and other items located in the street right-of-way along the frontage of the property being served by the proposed access drives, the exact location and dimensions of existing curb cuts, if any, and the existing directions of traffic flow on the subject property and into and from public ways;
4. Proposed Access Drives.
The exact location, dimensions and type of construction of proposed facilities of ingress and egress to the subject property, proposed curb cuts, if any, and the proposed direction of traffic flow on the subject property and into and from public ways. The detailed plan of the driveway shall be accompanied by a detailed site plan, if needed, to show all information both on and off the street right-of-way that will affect traffic movement, such as curbs, parking facilities, buildings, pump islands and loading dock locations;
5. Drainage.
The method of surface water (storm water) run-off control that ensures that concentrated flows will not be directed by the proposed driveway across sidewalks or public street pavements or curbs, and the location and description of proposed drainage structures within the public right-of-way, if any;
6. Applicant.
The name and address of the person seeking approval of the proposed access drive; and
7. Approval Blank.
Provision on the face of the site plan for the approval stamp of the City Engineer.
C. Approval of a driveway permit shall be considered only as approval of proposed work within the public street right-of-way. The location and design of all items related to traffic movement upon the private property, such as curbs, parking facilities, parking aisles and pump islands, shall be subject to the review and approval of the Building Inspector.
D. The City Engineer shall determine whether or not the proposed access drive conforms with the following requirements:
1. Driveway Width.
The minimum width of a drive for commercial, institutional, religious places of worship and other non-one and two household uses, excluding industrial uses shall be fifteen (15) feet for a one-way drive and twenty-four (24) feet for a two-way drive, and the maximum width shall be eighteen (18) feet for a one-way drive and thirty-six (36) feet for a two-way drive at moderate volume locations (150 parking spaces or less). The minimum width for commercial or multi-household driveways at high-volume locations (over 150 parking spaces) shall be the same and the maximum width shall be forty-eight (48) feet plus a median width that may vary between four (4) and twelve (12) feet.
The median width may be delineated with raised curb or surface traffic painting. The width of an industrial driveway shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet for a one-way drive and twenty-eight (28) feet for a two-way drive, and the maximum width shall be twenty-four (24) feet for a one-way drive and thirty-six (36) feet for a two-way drive, unless a median is provided in the driveway, in which case the maximum width may be the same as the maximum commercial or multi-household driveway. The width shall be measured along the line parallel to the centerline of the street at the street right-of-way line or at the location where the radius flare becomes tangent to a line perpendicular to the street.
2. Driveway Alignment.
The intersection angle of the centerline of the driveway and the street shall be between seventy (70) and ninety (90) degrees except for gasoline stations, which shall be between forty-five (45) and ninety (90) degrees.
3. Curb Requirements; Curbed Streets.
Drives abutting curbed streets may be either curbed or uncurbed. Where a drive abuts a street with a rolled-type curb with a maximum width of four (4) inches, the owner may either install a depressed curb two (2) inches high or construct the drive flush with the top of the curb. Where a proposed drive abuts a street with a vertical-type curb, the owner shall install a depressed curb not higher than two (2) inches above the original gutter line of the street.
4. Curb Requirements; Uncurbed Streets.
Drives abutting uncurbed streets may be either curbed or uncurbed. However, the drive curb shall not extend closer to the through pavement edge than eight (8) feet.
5. Sidewalk Ramp.
Where a drive curb is extended past a sidewalk, a sidewalk ramp shall be installed.
6. Driveway Edge Turning Radius.
When the drive apron is constructed with a radius edge, the minimum radius shall be twenty (20) feet for uncurbed street locations and fifteen (15) feet for curbed street locations. When the drive apron is constructed with straight edges, the paved surface area shall provide for the turning movements that can be made on a radius drive with the minimum radius specified in this paragraph. For determining acceptable straight edge design the turning radius may be considered as being tangent to a line two (2) feet to the street side of the back of the street curb, and tangent to a line one (1) foot to the drive side of the edge of the drive.
7. Length of Dropped Curb.
The maximum length of a dropped curb or the maximum length of a drive apron meeting the back of a rolled curb shall be eighty (80) feet.
8. Material Requirements.
Drive aprons constructed on curbed streets shall be constructed with Portland cement concrete. The minimum thickness shall be six (6) inches for drives to be used by passenger cars and light trucks and eight (8) inches for drives to be used by heavy trucks.
Drive aprons constructed on uncurbed streets may be constructed with either Portland cement concrete or asphalt concrete. Concrete thickness shall be as noted above. The minimum thickness of a drive shall be either two and one-half (21/2) inches of asphalt concrete over eight (8) inches of aggregate base or one (1) inch of asphalt concrete over five (5) inches of bituminous aggregate. The owner shall use additional thicknesses of material for locations where heavy trucks will use the driveway.
On concrete drive aprons, expansion joint material shall be provided between the curb and apron and between the apron and the sidewalk.
Where an apron crosses an existing sidewalk of less thickness than the required concrete the sidewalk shall be removed and reconstructed.
The sidewalk area through an asphalt drive shall be constructed with concrete.
9. Offset Location.
All drives shall be located to minimize the offset distance from another drive or a street intersection on the far side of the street.
10. Spacing Between Curb Cuts.
The minimum spacing between curb cuts serving the same property shall be eighty (80) feet along arterial streets, sixty (60) feet along collector streets and twenty (20) feet along local streets.
11. Sight Distance.
A drive to be located along a property frontage that has less sight distance available than the minimum sight distance required for making all turning movements safely shall be located to provide the maximum sight distance available for right turns for ingress and egress and shall be restricted in use to right turns only.
12. Number of Curb Cuts.
The maximum number of curb cuts to be allowed for one property along one frontage on both arterial and collector streets shall be two. Any number of curb cuts meeting the length and spacing requirements may be installed along local streets.
As used in this paragraph "property" means:
a. A platted lot under single ownership which is of record at the time of passage of this section;
b. Two or more platted lots or combinations of lots with continuous frontage under single ownership which are of record on such date; or
c. An unplatted parcel of land with continuous frontage under single ownership, except land where a final plat is approved by the Planning Commission after such date, in which case each new parcel shall be considered as one property.
13. Spacing at Corners.
The minimum spacing from the end of a curb cut for a drive to a public street intersection shall be ten (10) feet plus the radius of the intersection curb or the edge of the pavement, but not less than thirty-five (35) feet as measured from the curb line or edge of the pavement projected from the cross street to the curb cut along the street curb line.
14. Major Traffic Generators.
Access drives for major traffic generator developments with over one hundred (100) parking spaces shall be located not less than two hundred (200) feet on arterial streets and collector streets and not less than one hundred (100) feet on local streets from a street intersection as measured from the near curb line or the edge of the pavement projected from the cross street to the centerline of the driveway.
15. City Utility Adjustments.
If the drive requires a change in any City owned item, the owner shall be responsible for the expense of the adjustment as required for the following:
a. Pole relocation;
b. Manhole cover adjustment to grade;
c. Relocation or adjustment to grade of a water valve box;
d. Relocation or change on a street inlet; and
e. Moving a fire hydrant to provide six (6) feet of clearance from the edge of the apron and the centerline of the hydrant.
16. Joint Use Driveways.
A permit may be issued for a joint use drive, provided the owners of both properties file a joint application for the drive.
17. Median Openings.
No new median openings for drives shall be permitted on divided streets.
18. Parking Aisles.
No on-site vehicular parking aisle or on-site access drive shall be located less than thirty (30) feet from any parallel public street, measured from the nearest curb line of the aisle or access drive to the nearest right-of-way line of the parallel public street.
Commercial drives serving parking facilities with one hundred (100) or more parking spaces constructed along any classification of street should be designed to prevent cross movement of internal traffic on the property for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from the street right-of-way line. This may be accomplished by the use of a raised divider or by the use of curbing.
Industrial drives serving parking facilities with one hundred (100) or more parking spaces constructed along an arterial street should be designed to prevent cross movement of internal traffic on the property side of the street right-of-way line for a distance of one hundred (100) feet from the street right-of-way line.
19. Driveway grades.
Where possible, the driveway crossing of the sidewalk shall be made with no change in the sidewalk grade. Where conditions preclude meeting this objective, the sidewalk shall be warped to meet the driveway grade. Sidewalk step-down sections shall not be used.
Within the right-of-way limits, the drive grade shall be limited to a maximum of six (6) percent. Where possible, the profile of the commercial or industrial drive shall have a relatively flat area thirty (30) feet long from the edge of the pavement to permit vehicles from turning off a roadway without immediately climbing or descending.
The drive shall have small sag or crest rounding as may be required in the vertical profile, at a grade change point, to provide vehicle clearance.
E. The following exceptions to subsections A. through D. hereof shall be made for gasoline service stations. At street intersections, a minimum distance of ten (10) feet shall be provided between the terminus of the public street curb radius and the intersection of the curb lines extended of the public street and the edge of the access drive, but in no case shall the distance between the intersection of the curb lines extended of the public street and the access drive and the intersection of the nearest curb lines extended of the nearest intersecting public street be less than thirty (30) feet. A distance of twenty-five (25) feet shall be provided between access drives measured from the nearest curb lines thereof. Not more than two access drives per street frontage shall be allowed.
F. A specific land parcel to be developed with such uses as a drive-in restaurant, drive-in financial institution, drive-in car wash stall, drive-in beer or liquor store or similar use requiring a continuous flow of one-way traffic onto and off of the particular parcel and which has a frontage of less than two hundred ten (210) feet, shall be permitted two (2) access drives per frontage, provided that one access drive is for entrance only and one access drive is for exit only.
G. If an existing drive is to be abandoned with the redevelopment of a property, the owner shall remove the unused drive apron at his or her expense. The owner shall also replace any dropped curb section along the street at an abandoned driveway with a new curb of a design approved by the City Engineer.
H. If any lot, by reason of location or size, cannot be developed in accordance with this section, access shall be provided at locations which most closely comply with this section in the judgment of the City Engineer. Under no circumstances shall access be denied to any property.
I. The proposed location of the access drive shall make due provision for:
1. Automotive and pedestrian safety;
2. Traffic flow and control;
3. Accessibility for emergency vehicles; and
4. The economic, noise, glare or odor effects of the proposed access drive, loading facilities and parking facilities on adjoining properties.
J. Except as provided in subsection N. of this Section 1175.09, the City Engineer shall, within ten days after receiving a completed driveway permit application as required under subsection B. hereof, approve or disapprove the location of the proposed access drive. If the decision is negative, the City Engineer shall state the reasons in writing. The City Engineer shall, within ten days after receiving a completed driveway permit application for any parcel of real property location within the area described in Exhibit A, attached to Ordinance No. 2001-172 and made a part hereof, by reference, refer any such application to the City Council for approval or disapproval under Section 1175.09 N.
K. Appeals from a decision of the City Engineer shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Zoning Appeals within thirty (30) days of such decision.
L. Drive culverts shall be installed at the property owner's expense and in accordance with the specifications of the City Engineer.
M. The issuance of a permit for a drive shall not obligate the City to allow and/or provide for all possible traffic turning movements to or from a specific drive. If, at any time in the future, traffic flow conditions, in the opinion of the proper City officials, become congested or a hazard due to left turning movements to and/or from a driveway, the left turn movements may be prohibited by the installation of traffic control devices and/or a street median barrier curb.
N. No driveway permit as provided for under Section 1175.09, for any parcel of real property located within the area described in Exhibit A attached to Ordinance 2001-172 and made a part hereof by reference, shall be approved by the City Engineer until such driveway permit has been first approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98; Ord. 2001-172. Passed 10-15-01.)
The establishment and operation of a restricted accessory off-street parking area may be authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals as a special exception in such parts of any R-UD, R-TH, R-MHL and R-MHH District as abut, either directly or across an alley, a business or industrial district or the premises of any institutional building nonconforming in the particular residential district, subject to the following conditions:
A. Plan; List of Names; Notice.
Any application to the Board of Zoning Appeals for permission to establish and maintain a restricted accessory parking area within the meaning of this section and Sections 1175.11 to 1175.15, shall be accompanied by a plan which clearly indicates the proposed development, including the location, size, shape, design, landscaping, curb cuts and other features and appurtenances of the parking area, together with a list of the names and addresses of record of all the owners of all properties within the same block as the proposed parking area, and of all properties separated therefrom by not more than one street, any part of any one of which properties is within two hundred (200) feet of any part of such proposed parking area and is located in any residential district. All such property owners shall be notified of the time and place of public hearing, as provided in Section 1126.16, before the Board makes the final determination.
B. Size and Location.
An accessory off-street parking area shall be comprised of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet, and shall abut a minimum fifty (50) feet, either directly or across an alley, a business or industrial district, or the premises of the non-conforming institutional building to which such parking area is accessory.
C. Use.
A parking area shall be used solely for the parking of passenger vehicles without charge. No commercial repair work or service of any kind shall be conducted and no sign of any kind, other than designating entrances, exits and conditions of use, shall be maintained thereon.
D. Hours.
A parking area shall be open only during the hours from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., except when supervised by one or more full-time attendants, and specifically authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals, in which case it may be kept open until 12:00 midnight.
E. Requirements; Inspection.
A parking area shall be subject to all the requirements of this chapter regarding development and maintenance. No entrance or exit shall be within twenty (20) feet of any premises located in any residential district. The location and design of entrances, exits, surfacing, marking and lighting shall be subject to the approval and periodic inspection of the City departments and divisions having jurisdiction.
(Ord. 98-176. Passed 8-3-98.)