1112.10 EASEMENTS.
   Private and public utilities which are to be located within a subdivision area may be constructed in the street right-of-way or upon easement areas. Easements shall be located on subdivision lots with one side line of the easement also being a lot property line, unless the easement is centered upon a property line that is shared by two lots. The minimum width of an easement shall be ten feet, and a wider easement shall be provided for private and/or public utilities, as necessary, to provide separation of the utilities. Easements for public utilities, including water mains, storm sewers and sanitary sewers, shall be dedicated to the City by the developer, with said public utility easements to be established first, giving public utility easements priority over the easements being granted by the developer to private utilities. The location of easements for all utilities, both public and private, and the width of the easements, shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 97-297. Passed 12-15-97.)