The Commission shall have the following powers and responsibilities:
   A.   To initiate and conduct an ongoing process for the survey of cultural resources within the City in accordance with the standards and guidelines established by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office;
   B.   To keep a register of listed properties and designated Landmark Preservation Districts and to provide the City Engineer and the Building Department with a current copy. Said register shall be maintained at Elyria City Hall. The Ohio Historic Inventory Form shall be used to value properties for determination as a listed or contributing property;
   C.   To recommend to Council legislation for designation of individual properties and historic districts that would serve to beautify, protect, preserve, restore and develop the City or that would involve revisions to this chapter;
   D.   To review all proposals for National Register nominations;
   E.   To work to erect historic markers to denote landmark buildings and areas in the City;
   F.   To prepare design guidelines for renovations to existing historic buildings and to non-historic buildings within designated districts and for new construction within designated districts;
   G.   To review and act on all applications for certificates of approval as required and to establish rules and procedures for this action;
   H.   To act as an advisor to public officials and private individuals regarding the protection of local cultural resources;
   I.   To work for the continuing education of the residents with respect to the architectural and historic heritage of the City;
   J.   To study the problems and determine the needs of the City in restoring and preserving historic landmarks, areas and neighborhoods;
   K.   To work with developers, builders, and building owners to make them aware of this chapter and secure their cooperation with its provisions;
   L.   To employ technical experts as required to perform the Commission's duties as City finances and staff permit;
   M.   To recommend that the City make application for grants and funds from governmental and private entities; and
   N.   To do such other acts that are necessary and proper to perform those duties with which it is charged under this chapter.
(Ord. 2017-26. Passed 3-6-17.)