(a)   A user charge shall be levied on all users of the sewage treatment works to provide funds necessary to pay for the cost of operation, maintenance and replacement of the City's sanitary sewerage system. The user charge must result in the distribution of all costs of operation, maintenance and replacement of the treatment works to each user or user class in proportion to such user's contribution to the total sewage loading of the treatment works. Factors such as strength, volume and delivery flow rate characteristics shall be considered and included as the basis for the user's contribution to ensure a proportional distribution of operation, maintenance and replacement costs. The method set forth in subsection (b) hereof shall be used to establish the base user charge for sewage within the limits of normal concentration.
   (b)   The volume of sewage from each user shall be subject to a base user charge per l00 cubic feet, as follows:
      (1)   Charges for each billing period during a calendar year shall be based upon the following values for that calendar year:
         A.   Estimated total operation, maintenance and replacement expenses attributed to the City's wastewater pollution control plant;
         B.   Estimated total operation, maintenance and replacement expenses attributed to the sanitary and combination sewage collection system, including lift stations (excluding maintenance of the City's storm sewer system);
         C.   One-half of the estimated total expenses attributed to the costs of reading water meters and processing billings for City services;
         D.   A share of the City's expenses for public service and safety, engineering, vehicle insurance and operation and City general liability insurance policy costs, but excluding all other general government and debt service expenses;
         E.   Less any estimated annual revenue from extra strength surcharges on classes of users who are nonresidential;
         F.   Less the estimated system income from system users located outside the Municipal limits and subject to charges by virtue of a contract with the owner or another governmental unit;
         G.   Plus an estimated allowance for uncollected bills;
         H.   Less the income estimated for the administrative charge; and
         I.   Estimated total annual billing volume for users inside the Municipal limits.
      (2)   The difference between total billable sewage flow and actual sewage flow is considered to be caused by infiltration and inflow. The increased cost of treatment because of infiltration and inflow shall be apportioned to all users in proportion to their flow volumes. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the future establishment of a service charge per billing period for treatment of inflow from those owners whose properties have been determined to have an inflow source, such as, but not limited to, a roof downspout connected to their building sewer.
(Ord. 86-41. Passed 2-19-86.)