The City shall act to approve or deny an application for a business license under this chapter within a reasonable period of time and in no event shall the City act to approve or deny such license later than ninety days from the date the application was accepted by the Department of Safety and Service. Every license issued pursuant to this chapter will terminate at the expiration of one year from the date of its issuance unless sooner suspended or revoked.
(Ord. 88-50. Passed 2-16-88.)
Should any massage business have more than one location where the business of massage is pursued, then a certificate, stating the address of the principal place of business and of the other location(s), shall be issued by the Safety-Service Director upon the tender of a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per year per location. Licenses issued for other locations shall terminate on the same date as that of the principal place of business, regardless of the date of issuance.
(Ord. 88-50. Passed 2-16-88.)
Every massage establishment shall maintain a register of all persons employed at any time as masseurs or masseuses and their license numbers. Such register shall be available at the massage establishment to representatives of the City during regular business hours.
(Ord. 88-50. Passed 2-16-88.)
Any license issued for a massage establishment may be revoked or suspended by the City after notice and a hearing, for good cause, or in any case where any of the provisions of this chapter are violated or where any employee of the licensee, including a masseur or masseuse, is engaged in any conduct which violates any of the State or local laws or ordinances at the licensee's place of business and the licensee has actual or constructive knowledge by due diligence. Such license may also be revoked or suspended by the City, after notice and hearing, upon notification from the Building Inspector that the business is being managed, conducted or maintained without regard to proper sanitation and hygiene. Such revocation proceedings shall be before the Safety-Service Director.
(Ord. 88-50. Passed 3-16-88.)
No massage establishment shall conduct business in the City unless an inspection by the City reveals that the establishment complies with each of the following minimum requirements:
(a) Construction of rooms used for toilets, tubs, steam baths and showers shall be made waterproof with waterproofed materials and shall be installed in accordance with the City Building Code. Plumbing fixtures shall be installed in accordance with the City Plumbing Code.
(1) Steam rooms and shower compartments shall have waterproof floors, walls and ceilings approved by the City.
(2) Floors of wet and dry heat rooms shall be adequately pitched to one or more floor drains properly connected with the sewer. (Exception: Dry heat rooms with wooden floors need not be provided with pitched floors and floor drains.)
(3) A source of hot water must be available within the immediate vicinity of dry and wet heat rooms to facilitate cleaning.
(b) The premises shall have adequate equipment for disinfecting and sterilizing nondisposable instruments and materials used in administering massages. Such nondisposable instruments and materials shall be disinfected after use on each patron.
(c) Closed cabinets shall be provided and used for the storage of clean linen, towels and other materials used in connection with administering massages. All soiled linens, towels and other materials shall be kept in properly covered containers or cabinets, which containers or cabinets shall be kept separate from the clean storage areas.
(d) Toilet facilities shall be provided in convenient locations. When employees and patrons of different sexes are on the premises at the same time, separate toilet facilities shall be provided for each twenty or more employees or patrons of that sex on the premises at any one time. Urinals may be substituted for water closets after one water closet has been provided. Toilets shall be designated as to the sex accommodated therein.
(e) Lavatories or washbasins provided with both hot and cold running water shall be installed in either the toilet room or a vestibule. Lavatories or washbasins shall be provided with soap and a dispenser and with sanitary towels.
(f) All electrical equipment shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code.
(Ord. 88-50. Passed 2-16-88.)