(a)   A full-time NON-EXEMPT employee may choose to bank compensatory time off at the applicable overtime rate for all hours worked which would otherwise result in compensation in excess of forty hours in a work week (i.e., including a work week which includes a legal holiday, or the use of a personal holiday, vacation or sick day). The maximum number of hours a full-time non-exempt employee may have on accrual will be limited to 240 hours. These hours may be carried over to each subsequent fiscal year with written notice to the Finance/Payroll office prior to September 15th of the current fiscal year.
   (b)   Full-time EXEMPT employees will accrue compensatory time off for all hours worked which would otherwise result in compensation in excess of forty hours in a work week (i.e., including a work week which includes a legal holiday or the use of a personal holiday, vacation or sick day). These hours will be accrued on an hour for hour basis and will be carried over to each subsequent fiscal year. Full time EXEMPT employee compensatory time has no cash value.
   (c)   Compensatory time shall be banked on a fiscal year basis which begins October 1st and ends September 30th of the succeeding year.
   (d)   An employee may use no more than forty of his or her compensatory time accrual hours during any pay period as compensatory time.
   (e)   Employees may be required to provide a seven day notice when requesting use of compensatory time. Compensatory time off will be granted by the employees immediate supervisor or appointing authority and will only be granted at a time when department operations are not adversely affected.
   (f)   Full-time NON-EXEMPT employees shall give thirty days notice when requesting to convert compensatory time into cash payments. There will be no cash-out of compensatory time for full-time EXEMPT employees.
   (g)   On the first pay day in October any banked compensatory time for which a carry-over request has not been received in accordance with division (a) of this section will automatically be paid to full-time NON-EXEMPT employees. There will be no cash-out of compensatory time for full-time EXEMPT employees.
(Ord. 2017-124. Passed 9-5-17.)