(a)   The City agrees to continue to provide the employees a hospitalization plan that will provide a high level benefit plan, including coordinated dental, vision and prescription plans for all full-time employees, elected officials, the Administrative Finance Counsel, the Administrative Legal Counsel, the Clerk of Council, Assistant Law Directors, Assistant Prosecutors, the Civil Court Magistrate and Administrative Project Manager. Employees will contribute the amount per pay for any plans as determined from time to time by the City's Employees Hospitalization Plan Committee.
(Ord. 2018-180. Passed 11-19-18.)
   (b)   The City agrees to pay premiums to provide life insurance coverage for all full- time employees, elected officials, the Administrative Legal Counsel, the Clerk of Council, Assistant Law Directors and Assistant Prosecutors. The amount of life insurance coverage shall equal the employee's annual salary rounded to the next five hundred dollars ($500.00), with a minimum coverage of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) and a maximum coverage of one hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($125,000.00) for employees.
(Ord. 97-300. Passed 12-15-97; Ord. 2013-103. Passed 10-21-13; Ord. 2013-113. Passed 11-18-13.)
   (c)   Upon termination, the employee is eligible to continue hospitalization coverage pursuant to the COBRA Act and life insurance policies may be converted to personal use.
(Ord. 90-298. Passed 12-3-90; Ord. 2006-156. Passed 11-6-06; Ord. 2017-48. Passed 4-17-17.)