The purpose of this Chapter is to provide a procedure by which the size or configuration of two (2) or more existing parcels may be adjusted, provided:
A. Land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel;
B. A greater number of parcels than originally existed is not created; and
C. The adjustment is approved by the Director of Community Development. (Ord. 1212, 11-16-1993; amd. Ord. 1315, 1-18-2000; Ord. 1639, 9-20-2022)
A. Filing Request: All requests for a lot line adjustment shall be filed with the Director of Community Development on an approved City application form.
B. Filing Documentation: A lot line adjustment request shall include the required number of copies of the following materials:
1. Grant deeds and/or title report for all properties;
2. A legal description of each existing and new lot/parcel to be created;
3. A plat map or maps displaying each existing and new lot or parcel;
4. City application forms; and
5. Processing fees. (Ord. 1212, 11-16-1993; amd. Ord. 1245, 2-6-1996; Ord. 1315, 1-18-2000; Ord. 1639, 9-20-2022)