All business related solid waste material generated in the village shall be collected, as specified by the village, by a reputable waste collection contractor, and shall be disposed of at the contractors sanitary landfill, or such other landfill to which contractor may have access. Said disposal shall be done in conformity with all federal, state, and county regulations for landfill disposal.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 2-15-1995; Am. Ord. 6-95, passed 3-14-1995)
(A) The business owner and\or commercial property owner or his or her agent shall be responsible for any cost incurred in the collection and disposal of business related solid waste material generated by their respective businesses and\or properties.
(B) The village will provide waste collection services for rental dwelling units totaling three or less that are part of a business structure, and all residential rental dwellings for an assessment and administrative fee set forth in division (D) below.
(C) Each rental dwelling will be permitted a maximum of six containers/week.
(D) A unit is any structure or dwelling therein, occupied or unoccupied, that is intended to be rented for habitable living accommodations.
(E) (1) The formula for cost accountability is as follows:
Number of units (X) current monthly unit cost ($11.70) (X) 12 = cost per year.
(2) An
ACCOUNT is defined as individual owners or separate rental companies or partnerships.
(F) The amount due for waste collection will be billed on the units Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW) invoice.
(G) Failure to pay your waste collection fees shall subject the account to any late fees and penalties imposed by GCWW.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 2-15-1995; Am. Ord. 6-95, passed 3-14-1995; Am. Ord. 24-02, passed 12-26-2002; Am. Ord. 6-11, passed 8-19-2011) Penalty, see § 50.99
Solid waste materials such as hazardous waste regulated by federal or state agencies, and special materials prohibited by state regulations from landfill disposal are exempt from the provisions of this subchapter.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 2-15-1995; Am. Ord. 6-95, passed 3-14-1995; Am. Ord. 7-11, passed 8-19-2011)
(A) Each business and\or residential unit shall obtain and keep available for the exclusive use of the premises a sufficient number of approved containers to hold all solid waste created or accumulated thereon for the period of one week between waste collections.
(B) Waste containers shall be a standard size, air and water tight, with a tight-fitting lid so as to prevent its contents from being scattered by the wind, and shall not be susceptible to catching fire or dropping its contents when being moved. Waste containers shall be equipped with two handles or a bale for lifting. Containers shall not exceed 90 gallons in capacity or 65 pounds in weight when filled.
(C) Waste containers shall be kept on private premises in a location as far from the street as possible and as great a distance from neighboring premises as practicable. No containers shall be kept within the limits of the street or other public place except when placed for collection.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 2-15-1995; Am. Ord. 6-95, passed 3-14-1995)
(A) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter for which no penalty is otherwise provided shall be fined as set forth in § 10.99. Each day a violation is committed or permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as such hereunder.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 2-15-1995; Am. Ord. 6-95, passed 3-14-1995)