   (A)   All disposable foodstuff and other edible material set out for garbage pickup shall be contained in a garbage can of sufficient size and quality as to deter rodents and other vermin that may be seeking edible waste.  The can shall have a lid securely fitted to seal all discarded material inside.
   (B)   All outside garbage containers shall be of a size and quality as to deter rodents and other vermin seeking entry and shall be covered at all times with secure covering to keep rodents and other vermin outside said container.  It shall be the responsibility of each property owner to see that his or her container is properly secured.  In the case of rental property, it shall be the responsibility of each landlord to see that his or her tenants comply with this section.
   (C)   No garbage shall be set out to the curb earlier than 4:00 p.m. the evening before the next day pickup.  All empty containers shall be removed from the curb no later than 8:00 p.m. the day of the pickup.  Garbage cans and lids, dumpsters and other outside containers shall be maintained in a serviceable condition.
   (D)   Whoever violates any provision of this section for which no other specific penalty has been provided shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor and can be cited to Mayor’s Court.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DWELLING UNIT.  Any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable area used for human occupancy. This includes but is not limited to houses, duplexes, apartments, sleeping rooms, and other accommodations of similar nature.
   GARBAGE.  Any and all kitchen or other organic refuse, including, among other things, animal, fish, fowl, fruit and other animal vegetable matter, decaying or spoiled meats, or vegetable matter, or substance or thing whatsoever which might decompose or become offensive, dangerous to health and shall include, among other things every accumulation of all matter that attends preparation, use, cooking, dealing in or storing of milk or milk products, meat, fish, fowl, fruit and animal or vegetable matter.
   PREMISES.  Land and buildings or both, or parts of either or both, whether occupied or not.
   RUBBISH.  Ashes, chips, sticks, bottles, broken glass, crockery, tins, cast iron, cans, rags, woodenware, boxes, excelsior, waste paper, circulars, handbills, boots, shoes, leather bags, luggage, hats, clothing, and all other items of similar nature.
   WASTE MATERIAL.  All solid waste originating from the use of property situated only within the municipal limits of the village, and more specifically being identified in the following categories:  All appliances and furniture including, but not limited to, refrigerators, dishwashers, washers, dryers, televisions, sofas, chairs, and mattresses.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 2-15-1995; Am. Ord. 6-95, passed 3-14-1995)
   Any industrial or commercial establishment, retail or service business, or individual enterprise that results in the generation of solid waste material shall be considered a generator of business related solid waste material. Any building structure containing a business facility and rental dwelling units generating solid waste material shall also be defined as a generator of business related solid waste material and subject to the provisions of this subchapter.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 2-15-1995; Am. Ord. 6-95, passed 3-14-1995)
   All business related solid waste material generated in the village shall be collected, as specified by the village, by a reputable waste collection contractor, and shall be disposed of at the contractors sanitary landfill, or such other landfill to which contractor may have access. Said disposal shall be done in conformity with all federal, state, and county regulations for landfill disposal.
(Ord. 2-95, passed 2-15-1995; Am. Ord. 6-95, passed 3-14-1995)