The Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough and he or she shall be responsible to the whole of Council. The Manager's powers and duties shall relate to the general management of all Borough business that is not expressly imposed or conferred by ordinance upon other Borough officers. The powers and duties shall include the following:
   (a)   The Manager shall be responsible for and in charge of, but not limited to, the following persons, matters and activities and all others as may be directed by Council from time to time, except the Police Department:
      (1)   Administration.
         A.   The Secretary.
         B.   The Finance Director and/or the Fiscal Affairs Officer.
         C.   The person or persons responsible for fiscal activities.
         D.   Administrative offices and clerical and stenographic personnel.
         E.   Codes enforcement, including zoning, building, planning, etc., and all personnel assigned thereto and involved therewith.
         F.   Community development, including the Director, consultants and all personnel assigned thereto and involved therewith.
         G.   All engineers and consultants to various departments.
      (2)   Public works.
         A.   The Director and all supervisory personnel.
         B.   All matters and activities performed by the Department, such as, but not limited to, streets, alleys, parks, playgrounds, storm sewers and drains, all related structures and all regular, full-time, part-time, temporary or emergency personnel as may be assigned and performing work therein, and the Engineer.
      (3)   Wastewater control and treatment. The Superintendent and all regular, full-time, part-time, temporary and/or emergency personnel assigned thereto and working therein.
      (4)   Electric distribution.
         A.   The Superintendent, other supervisory personnel and all regular, part-time, temporary and/or emergency personnel assigned thereto and working thereon.
         B.   All engineers and consultants associated with and providing services to this area of Borough services.
   (b)   The Manager shall interview candidates for employment with the Borough and recommend and advise Council as to which applicants should be hired. It shall be the duty of Council to hire all employees. The Manager shall also be in charge of discipline and may suspend or discharge all employees, with the consent of Council, under the Manager's supervision. The number of employees, whether full-time, part-time and/or temporary, shall be fixed by Council from time to time.
   (c)   The Manager shall supervise the preparation of the annual budget for all departments and Borough activities. Said budget shall include fiscal and explanatory information. In the preparation of the budget, the Manager may direct and obtain from each department, agency, board or officer estimates of revenues and expenditures and their supporting data as he or she requests. The Manager shall review such estimates and information before submitting the budget to Council.
   (d)   The Manager shall be responsible for the administration of the budget after adoption by Council.
   (e)   The Manager shall attend all meetings of Council and of its committees, with the right to take part in the discussion, and he or she shall receive notice of all such meetings.
   (f)   The Manager shall prepare the agenda for each meeting of Council and furnish facts pertinent thereto.
   (g)   The Manager shall keep Council informed of the affairs and activities of the Borough, including periodic reports of the conditions of the Borough's finances and of the various departments, and shall make recommendations to Council as the Manager deems necessary. The Manager shall have prepared and shall submit to Council reports, including, but not limited to, a brief monthly report generally outlining the activities of the Manager's office for the previous month and a brief outline of projects and activities proposed for the next month. Such report shall be in written (typed) form and available by the Monday preceding the regularly scheduled Council meeting (or the second Monday of the month).
      All officers, department heads and others responsible to the Manager, as set forth in subsection (a) hereof, shall prepare a monthly report of the activities of their respective departments and/or areas of responsibility, to include the previous month and projections for the next month. Said report must be submitted to the Manager by the fifth day of each month.
   (h)   The Manager shall meet quarterly with Council and shall submit a quarterly financial report at said meeting on all fiscal and administrative activities of the Borough for the preceding quarter. In addition, as soon as possible after the close of the fiscal year, the Manager shall submit a complete report on all fiscal and administrative activities for the preceding year. All budetary transfers and/or modifications to the budget must be approved by Council.
   (i)   The Manager may employ, by and with the approval of Council, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise in connection with any of the functions and/or activities of the Borough.
   (j)   The Manager shall be the purchasing officer of the Borough and, with the approval of Council, may direct other administrative and clerical personnel to assist the Manager in the control and maintenance of records of purchasing procedures. The Manager shall prepare purchasing rules and regulations, subject to approval by Council, pertaining to the requisitioning and purchasing of all Borough supplies and equipment.
   (k)   All complaints regarding services or personnel of the Borough, except police, which shall be referred to the Mayor, shall be referred to the Manager. The Manager or the person designated by the Manager shall investigate and dispose of such complaints, and the Manager shall report thereon to Council when and if requested by Council.
   (l)   The Manager shall cooperate with Council at all times and in all matters so that the best interests of the Borough and the general public may be maintained.
   (m)   All travel and educational expenses must be pre-approved by Council.
(Ord. 2105. Passed 11-18-91; Ord. 2149. Passed 5-16-94; Ord. 2242. Passed 11-16-98.)