   EDITOR'S NOTE: There are no sections in Chapter 230. This chapter has been established to provide a place for cross references and any future legislation.
   Election and term - see Borough Code § 821 (53 P.S. § 45821)
   Vacancy in office - see Borough Code § 901 (53 P.S. § 45901)
   Attendance at Council meetings; breaking tie votes - see Borough Code § 1003 (53 P.S. § 46003)
   Passage, approval and veto of ordinances - see Borough Code § 1007 (53 P.S. § 46007)
   Qualifications - see Borough Code § 1021 (53 P.S. § 46021)
   Incompatible offices - see Borough Code § 1022 (53 P.S. § 46022)
   Oath - see Borough Code § 1023 (53 P.S. § 46023)
   Salary - see Borough Code §§ 1024, 1025 (53 P.S. §§ 46024, 46025)
   Receipt of costs, fees and fines - see Borough Code §§ 1026, 1027 (53 P.S. §§ 46026, 46027)
   Powers and duties - see Borough Code §§ 1028, 1029 (53 P.S. §§ 46028, 46029)
   Acting Mayor - see Borough Code § 1030 (53 P.S. § 46030)
   Mayor to have control of police - see Borough Code § 1121 (53 P.S. § 46121)
   Insurance for Mayor - see ADM. 290.08