(a)   Load Inspections. Where the supply of service is under rates which base the billing demand or minimum charge upon the customer's connected load, the Borough's representative shall have access to the premises of the customer at all reasonable times to inspect and count the connected load.
   (b)   Billing Changes. Where, as a result of an investigation made by the customer or the Borough, and the Borough has found that it has supplied electric service but not billed the customer correctly for the electric usage, or the bill has been improperly calculated for usage or consumption, or due to a broken or inaccurate meter, or a change in rate, the Borough may render an invoice for the service furnished. The Borough shall review this with the customer and make a reasonable attempt to enter into a payment arrangement. If no agreement is reached, then payment shall be in equal installments for a period during which the excess amount accrued.
(Ord. 2539. Passed 9-18-17.)
   (c)   Change in Rate. The Borough will, after notice of service conditions, compute bills under the applicable rate most advantageous to the customer, and will notify the customer in writing or by a new contract of the change in rate contemplated, provided that not more than one such change of rate shall be made in any twelve-month period, except as provided in subsection (d) hereof.
   (d)   Billing During Period of Construction or Emergency. The Borough reserves the right to base its bills for service upon the applicable rate most advantageous to the customer or to modify or waive the requirements of the applicable rate as to billing demand, minimum billing demand and/or minimum monthly charge when:
      (1)   The customer is forced to suspend operations, in part or entirely, due to fire or flood;
      (2)   Unusually high demands are established by emergency pumping or other abnormal load conditions;
      (3)   The customer's plant is under construction or gradual electrification.
   Written request for relief must be made, stating fully the circumstances upon which the request is based. If appropriate, the contract term shall be extended for a period equal to that of the relief granted.
(Ord. 2211. Passed 4-29-97.)