(A) Purpose. The OP Office Park District is intended for professional and administrative offices and research laboratories, developed on a large acreage under unified control. To maintain a park-like setting, the area is comprised of large lots with deep yards and ample off-street parking areas connected by private roads or driveways. This district has direct access to major thoroughfares or freeways. The business of the district generally occurs during daylight hours and involves no display or selling of merchandise.
(B) Permitted uses.
(1) Professional and business offices;
(2) Research, development and technical training offices;
(3) Laboratories;
(4) Financial institutions;
(5) Charitable organization offices;
(6) Restaurants, except drive-ins and those with drive-thru windows, whose sum total of land area does not exceed 10% of the developable land within the office park;
(7) Restaurants, including fast food without drive-thru windows, when located entirely within a larger office building and comprising no more than 10% of the constructed square footage of the building;
(8) Hotels and Motels, whose sum total of land does not exceed 20% of the developable land within the office park development, with or without enclosed restaurants and meeting rooms;
(9) Day care centers, when located within a larger office building and serving only the needs of that office building; and
(10) Accessory structures and uses;
(C) Special exception uses.
(1) Stand-alone day care centers, to serve the needs of more than 1 office building;
(2) Heliports; and
(3) Public utilities and service uses.
(D) Yard requirements. Yard requirements for the OP, Office Park District are as follows: (All standards minimum except as noted.)
(1) Lot size: 0.5 acre.
(2) Frontage: 100 feet.
(3) Setbacks:
(a) Front yard: 60 feet.
(b) Side yard: 30 feet.
(c) Rear yard: 30 feet.
(d) Corner side yard: The corner side yard setback is determined by measuring the average established setback of the structures within the same block between 2 intersecting streets. This calculation would equal the established front yard setback for the side street.
(4) Maximum structure height: 65 feet.
(5) Maximum lot coverage for structures: 40% total.
(6) Minimum district size: 5 acres.
(E) Development conditions.
(2) The development shall be a unified and organized arrangement of structures, parking areas, walks, lighting and appurtenant facilities.
(3) An OP district may only be established on a tract of land that is in single ownership or under other means of unified control.
(4) An OP district shall be located on property which has direct access to major arterials or freeways designed to carry the additional traffic generated by such a development. All individual properties shall be internally accessed.
(5) The proposed development shall be compatible with the properties immediately adjacent to the proposed development.
(6) Provision shall be made at points of ingress, egress and within the district to ensure a free and safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
(7) All service areas for loading and unloading vehicles, and all areas for storage and collection of trash and garbage shall be properly screened using natural plantings and/or compatible building materials so as to conceal such activities from all street, parking and walkway views and from adjoining properties outside the office park.
(8) The development will not impose an undue burden on public services and facilities, such as fire and police protection.
(9) All on-premise signage, both for individual businesses within the park and for the park itself, shall be limited to monument signs only.
(a) Signs for individual buildings shall be limited to a maximum 6 feet in height and 50 square feet in area, except for signage facing limited access highways which may be a maximum 10 feet in height and 75 square feet in area.
(b) Signs identifying the park shall be limited to a maximum 10 feet in height and 75 square feet in area with a 25-foot setback from the public right-of-way.
(10) In addition to the standard landscape requirements of this chapter the following shall apply:
(a) A minimum of 20% of the building site shall be in open space. Open space shall be landscaped to include the following:
1. Ground cover, including grass.
2. Shrubs, vines and/or hedges.
3. Individual trees or grouped trees and/or natural vegetation in the form of wooded areas with a minimum of 1 tree per 5,000 square feet of open space.
(b) Non-living durable materials commonly used in landscaping may also be included, such as, but not limited to, rocks, pebbles, sand, berms, ponds, walkways, or fences. Landscaped areas within parking areas, such as control islands, shall not be included for purposes of calculating the 20% open space requirement.
(c) All surface drainage retention ponds shall be free form in shape (curvilinear rather than rectilinear) and be incorporated into the overall landscape design of the park or individual lot which it serves.
(d) Where an OP district abuts residentially zoned land or land shown as residential on the adopted land use plan for the city, there shall be a minimum 20 foot greenway consisting of a combination of trees, shrubs and ground cover. At least 50% of the greenway frontage abutting residential land shall contain shrubs and trees with a minimum of 1 tree for every 40 lineal feet of greenway. An earthen berm(s) or ornamental masonry wall or wood fence may be incorporated into the greenway, however, if a wall or fence is used, vegetative landscaping shall be placed between the wall or fence and the property line to provide visual relief.
(e) A combination of trees and/or natural plant groupings shall be planted in front yards along all principal interior roadways at intervals no greater than 75 feet.
(11) No principal building within the OP district shall be constructed within 50 feet of the district boundary.
(12) No free-standing restaurant, hotel or motel may be constructed within an approved office park until at least 50,000 square feet of office/laboratory structures have been constructed.
(13) Architectural requirements.
(a) All structures must present a decorative facade on all sides which face roadways, parking areas or can be viewed from the district boundary.
(b) The following exterior building materials shall be prohibited:
1. Smooth or standard concrete block, whether painted or unpainted;
2. Corrugated or vertical metal siding on any facade facing roadways or parking areas; (All other facades shall be limited to a maximum of 25% of the total facade surface.)
3. Sheet plywood, composite board or similar materials; and
4. Metal roofing, except raised seamless or other decorative roofing approved by the Planning and Zoning Office.
(c) The architecture of restaurants, motels and hotels (including chain and franchise operations) shall be consistent with the overall architectural treatment within the office park.
(F) Supplemental regulations.
(1) Special flood hazard area regulations: §§ 151.120 et seq.
(2) Wetlands Conservation District regulations: §§ 151.145 et seq.
(3) Air Space Control Area regulations: §§ 151.210 et seq.
(4) Accessory structures and swimming pool requirements: § 151.225.
(5) Landscape and screening requirements: § 151.226.
(6) Permitted obstructions in required yards: § 151.227.
(7) Fence requirements: § 151.228.
(8) Intersection visibility area requirements: § 151.229.
(9) Primary street setback requirements: § 151.229.
(10) Off-street parking and loading requirements: § 151.231.
(11) Sign regulations: § 151.234.
(G) Pursuant to Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003, the following figures are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set out herein:
(1) Figure 16A; and
(2) Figure 16B.
(1979 Code, § 151.056) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003
; Am. Ord. 5175, passed 7-20-2009)
Penalty, see § 151.999