(A) General provisions; all districts.
(1) No fences, other than split rail, wrought iron or open picket fences (with 40% open spacing between pickets) not to exceed 4 feet in height, shall be permitted in any front or corner side yard.
(2) All fences shall be maintained to the standard to which they were designed and installed.
(3) The provisions of § 151.229 shall take priority over the provisions of this section in restricting the height and location of permitted fences.
(4) All fences and walls permitted herein shall be located entirely on the zoning lot and may be located immediately adjacent to the lot lines.
(5) Fences or walls not permitted herein but established in conjunction with a planned unit development plan or special exception may be authorized as part of that planned unit development plan or special exception.
(6) No fences, other than split rail, wrought iron or open picket fences (with 40% open spacing between pickets) not to exceed 4 feet in height, shall be permitted in any front yard.
(7) In all districts except manufacturing, all fences shall be no greater than 6 feet in height, with an additional 6 inches allowed for fence posts.
Fence materials may include treated wood, painted wood, treated split rail, ornamental wrought iron, brick, stone, masonry block, decorative painted or vinyl coated aluminum, or other materials as approved by the Planning and Zoning Office. Scrap lumber, plywood, sheet metal, plastic or fiberglass sheets are specifically prohibited. In business and manufacturing districts, in the side and rear yards only, chain link fences with vinyl slats when the slats have been permanently installed by the fence manufacturer. The color of the slats must be coordinated with the color of the building and approved by the Planning Services staff.
(9) All fences shall be erected with the finished side facing outward toward the property line.
(B) Fences permitted in residential and business districts. A fence or wall not more than six feet in height may be placed, built or installed in the side and/or rear yards of any lot in a residential or business district, excepting in that portion of any required yard that lies within the corner lot visibility area (§ 151.229) and excepting further that, in a corner lot, no fence, wall or vegetation exceeding 4 feet in height or a fence, wall or vegetation that is opaque may be placed, built or installed:
(1) In the required side yard adjacent to the street; or
(2) In any portion of the rear yard lying closer to the street than the point of the principal building nearest said street.
(C) Fences permitted in manufacturing districts.
(1) Except as specified in division (D) below, a fence or wall not to exceed 8 feet in height may be placed, built or installed at the property lines in required side and rear yards, excepting in that portion of any required yard that lies within the corner lot visibility area (§ 151.229), and excepting further that, in a reversed corner lot, no fence or wall may be placed, built or installed:
(a) In the required side yard adjacent to the street; or
(b) In any portion of the rear yard lying closer to the street than the point of the principal building nearest the street.
(2) Additionally, the height of the fences may be increased by 6 inches for each 3 feet of distance from the property line, to a maximum height of 12 feet.
(D) Fences around junk yards, motor vehicle impoundment yards, scrap or recycling yards, or motor vehicle wrecking yards.
(1) (a) An opaque fence, a minimum of eight feet in height and a maximum of 15 feet in height (including any barbed wire), constructed of painted or treated wood, painted or textured block, or brick and set 15 feet or more inside the lot lines, shall be maintained in good repair around junk yards, motor vehicle impoundment yards, scrap yards, or motor vehicle wrecking yards (see Figure 26.A).
(b) In a front or corner side yard the fence shall not project beyond the front façade of buildings located on adjacent lots on the same side of the street.
(2) Entryways to junk yards, motor vehicle impoundment yards, scrap yards or motor vehicle wrecking yards shall be gated and closed at all times when not in use. Gates shall be opaque and match the style of the fence.
(3) (a) A landscaped strip shall be maintained between the fence and property line in the following yards:
1. All front and corner side yards;
2. The front 1/3 of any side yard; and
3. Any yard abutting a residential zoning district.
(b) The landscape strip shall consist of evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs and groundcover with a minimum of 1 tree every 30 lineal feet of landscape strip.

Figure 26.C Fences and Landscaping Around Junk Yards
(E) Fences around retention ponds. Every retention pond required by the city for water runoff storage and in which the deepest point is more than two feet below adjacent ground level with a slope from water’s edge being no greater than 4 to 1, shall be enclosed with a fence or protective barrier a minimum of 6 feet in height. This requirement may be waived for those retention ponds that are incorporated within an approved landscape plan as a design feature.
(F) Figure. Pursuant to Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003 the following figure is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set out herein: Figure 26D.
(1979 Code, § 151.188) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 4462, passed 1-13-2000; Am. Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003
; Am. Ord. 5044, passed 7-9-2007
) Penalty, see § 151.999