   (A)   Intent. To maintain the public health, safety and welfare, it is necessary to establish standards regulating off street parking and loading, pedestrian movement, screening, landscaping and lighting for the enhancement of the community. The regulations of this section are designed to alleviate congestion of the public streets by establishing minimum requirements for the off-street parking and loading/unloading of motor vehicles in accordance with uses permitted under this chapter.
   (B)   General provisions.
      (1)   Scope of regulations. Off-street parking and loading provisions of this section shall apply as follows:
         (a)   For all buildings and structures erected and all uses of land established after the effective date of this chapter, accessory parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required by the regulations herein.
         (b)   Whenever the existing use of a building or structure is changed to a new use, parking or loading facilities shall be provided as required for such new use.
         (c)   Accessory off-street parking facilities required herein shall not be used for the storage, display, sale, repair, dismantling or wrecking of any vehicles, equipment or material. Parking of commercial vehicles as defined in this ordinance is prohibited in residential zones.
         (d)   Accessory off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided on the same zoning lot as the use served except as otherwise provided in this chapter. Adequate area shall be provided to permit any maneuvering necessary to reach off-street parking and loading areas.
         (e)   Within the Central Business District (CBD), regulations pertaining to off-street parking shall not apply to commercial buildings in existence at the time of adoption of this chapter. No off-street parking is required for nonresidential uses in the CBD unless such uses exceed 3,000 square feet of gross floor area, in which case off-street parking must be provided for the floor area in excess of 3,000 square feet. Up to 25% of the number of public parking spaces within 400 feet of a proposed building in the CBD may be counted toward the required number of spaces. These regulations are intended to provide flexibility in site development while ensuring adequate parking for the Main Street and Jackson Boulevard corridors as a whole (as amended per Ordinance No. 4542 dated December 4, 2000; as amended per Ordinance No. 4985 on September 22, 2006).
      (2)   Plan review.
         (a)   Any off-street parking lots, parking structures or loading areas required under this chapter shall be required to submit a plan to the Planning and Zoning Office for review and approval of applicable regulations. The plan shall show the following:
            1.   Total number of parking spaces provided, existing and proposed; and total required by ordinance;
            2.   Parking aisles;
            3.   Vehicle circulation;
            4.   Entrances and exits;
            5.   Sidewalks and pedestrian circulation;
            6.   Signage;
            7.   Lighting;
            8.   Storm water retention areas;
            9.   Landscaping islands; and
            10.   Landscape and buffer areas.
         (b)   All elements shall be dimensioned on the plan and distances from property lines and structures shall be noted.
   (C)   Regulations and requirements.
      (1)   All open off-street parking areas for 4 or more vehicles shall be screened by a solid fence, wall, densely planted evergreen screen, earthen berm, or a combination thereof to the following height:
         (a)   A minimum of 4 feet if abutting or directly across an alley from either a residential district or a residential use if the development containing the parking area requires a development plan; or
         (b)   Two and one-half feet if across the street from either a residential district or a residential use if the development containing the parking area requires a development plan.
      (2)   Number of off-street parking spaces.
         (a)   Except as otherwise noted in this section, the number of off-street parking spaces for each new principal use shall be provided in accordance with division (D).
         (b)   The parking lot requirements for a use not specifically listed in the chart shall be the same as for a listed use of similar characteristics of parking demand generation as determined by the Planning and Zoning Office.
         (c)   For the purpose of determining off-street parking requirements, gross floor area shall be calculated as the sum of the gross horizontal area of the several floors of a building or buildings, including if habitable the horizontal areas of the basement. Basement space used solely for storage or utility shall be exempt.
         (d)   When computing the number of parking spaces, any number fraction or portion thereof, shall be rounded up to the next highest number.
         (e)   A maximum of 130% of the required number of parking spaces per division (D), may be provided (rounded down to the nearest whole number). Each 10% increase in the number of parking spaces shall require an additional one percent in the interior parking lot landscaping provisions provided in this section of the Zoning Ordinance. Provision of more than 130% of the requirement will require a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals.
         (f)   In determining the number of parking spaces required for a business, industry or institution or any other concern which encompasses a number of different, yet related activities, the planning staff may determine the total number of parking spaces required by adding the amount of spaces required for each specific activity as listed in division (D).
         (g)   In off-street parking areas with greater than 25 automobile parking spaces, bicycle parking spaces may be substituted for automobile parking spaces at the rate of 10 bicycle spaces per 1 off-street parking space, up to 4% of the total number of required automobile parking spaces with a maximum of 10 automobile spaces replaced with bicycle parking.
      (3)   Location of parking facilities.
         (a)   The off-street parking areas required for residential buildings or uses shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served. The parking requirements for 1- and 2-family residential uses shall be accommodated in paved (concrete, asphalt, concrete and brick pavers and other approved materials) driveways which may be located in the front, side or rear yard but may not occupy more than 50% of any yard. Off-street parking areas located in the R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-5 residential zoning districts shall not be located in the front yard. This requirement shall not include paved driveways leading to an attached and/or detached garages or to rear yard parking areas.
         (b)   Two or more owners of buildings may join together in providing the required off-street parking spaces per division (D).
         (c)   Off-street parking areas may be located on any part of a lot, unless otherwise specified herein or within the zoning district development conditions. Parking spaces shall not be located in any required greenbelt or buffer yard area.
      (4)   Joint parking facilities.
         (a)   Joint use of up to 50% of required parking areas may be permitted for 2 or more uses located on the same or adjacent parcels provided that the developer or owner demonstrates to the satisfaction of the planning staff that the uses will not overlap in hours of operation or in demand for shared spaces. The owners of all parcels used for or making use of shared parking areas shall execute and a record a commitment stating that the uses will not overlap in hours of operation or in demand for shared spaces. The commitment shall be binding on future owners of the property(s) and shall be enforceable by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
         (b)   Shared parking areas shall be located not more than 300 feet from the uses they are intended to serve and shall be connected to that use by a defined pedestrian walkway.
         (c)   Any subsequent change in land uses among the shared parking users shall require adequate parking as defined in division (D).
      (5)   Reduction of spaces/land banking.
         (a)   For development in any zoning district, the planning and zoning staff may approve a total reduction of not more than 30% of the required off-street parking spaces where it has been demonstrated by study of the proposed use(s) and the customary operation of the use(s) that adequate parking would be provided.
         (b)   When such a reduction is approved, an area of sufficient size to include the number of parking spaces necessary to meet the minimum requirements stated herein shall be designated on the site plan and no structure or paved surface shall be permitted within such designated area. The area shall not be included in any required buffer yards. The areas shall be reserved to accommodate additional parking so as to meet the otherwise applicable minimum requirements. In the event additional parking is required, a site plan shall be submitted to the staff for approval. The additional parking shall be constructed within 4 months thereafter.
      (6)   Access. Driveway entrances and exits to parking lots shall be located as far away from street intersections as possible to prevent impeding the flow of traffic in the parking lot and prevent hazards in the street. Entrances shall be designed to allow vehicles entering the site to be stacked to prevent backup on the adjacent street. Parking lot entrances and exits shall be consolidated when possible to limit the number of access points to the site. In instances where parking areas are 100 feet or more wide, the parking lot entrance shall be a minimum of 50 feet from the nearest existing access drive.
      (7)   Parking lot design.
         (a)   All off-street parking areas, driveways, loading areas and maneuvering access thereto and outdoor display areas shall be surfaced with an a11-weather, dustless, impervious, hard-surface pavement, including drainage which shall meet city specifications as prescribed by the Board of Public Works. This surface shall be maintained in good condition and free of weeds, dirt, trash and debris.
         (b)   All parking areas and drives for commercial, manufacturing, institutional and residential uses shall be paved with concrete, asphalt or decorative concrete, brick or asphalt pavers.
         (c)   1.   In all “M” zoning districts, storage yards for construction equipment, raw materials, or partially or fully finished product, may be surfaced with gravel or slag when located in a rear yard.
            2.   The storage yard shall be properly graded and maintained to insure proper drainage and shall be kept free of weeds, trash and other debris.
         (d)   Required parking spaces for all uses shall be at least 162 square feet in size, exclusive of access drives or aisles and have a minimum width of 9 feet and a minimum length of 18 feet, except parallel parking spaces which shall have a minimum length of 22 feet.
         (e)   The number and dimensions (see Figure 26.D) of handicapped parking spaces are to be provided in conformance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act as follows:
Number of Parking Spaces in Lot
Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spacesl
Number of Parking Spaces in Lot
Required Minimum Number of Accessible Spacesl
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 to 300
301 to 400
401 to 500
501 to 1,000
2% of Total Spaces
1,001 and Over
20 Plus 1 for Each 100 Over 1,000 Spaces
1 For every 8 accessible spaces, at least 1 must be a van accessible space.
         (f)   All parking lots for commercial, institutional, and multi-family residential (ten or more dwelling units) uses shall be separated from adjoining non-paved surfaces with a continuous Portland cement concrete straight faced or rolled curb at least six inches in height. All parking lots shall be designed to provide adequate storm water drainage, including onsite detention capabilities. Curbed traffic islands are to be located on both ends of each parking row to facilitate safe traffic circulation within the parking lot. All curbing shall conform to city standards, unless approved otherwise by the Planning and Zoning Office.
         (g)   Required off-street parking spaces shall be so designed, arranged and regulated as to have individual spaces marked, be unobstructed and have access to an aisle or driveway so that any vehicle may be moved without moving another and so that no maneuvering directly incidental to entering or leaving a parking space shall be on any public right-of-way or in a required setback.
         (h)   1.   All parking areas shall be provided with circulation aisles of adequate dimension to assure efficient internal circulation. The minimum aisle dimension requirements indicated in Figure 26.E shall be provided for parking lots using various parking angles.
            2.    Parking lots with 300 or more spaces shall include perimeter drives and a central access drive leading to the main building.
Figure 26.E Parking Area Aisle Widths
         (i)   A shelter of not more than 50 square feet in size for use by a parking lot attendant may be maintained on a parking lot containing at least 25 spaces.
         (j)   All signage within parking areas shall conform to the standards within the sign regulation section of this chapter.
         (k)   Lighting.
            1.   A parking lot lighting plan - including pole heights, pole location, light spread, and intensity - shall be submitted as a part of the parking lot landscape plan.
            2.   All parking lot lighting within a development shall be of uniform design, color, and materials.
            3.   Lighting levels within parking areas shall be consistent with the recommendations found in the IES Lighting Handbook, latest edition, by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.
            4.   In all projects, lighting shall not cause illumination in excess of five-tenths foot candles of light beyond the project property line, except illumination which spills into a residential zoned or used property, which shall not exceed three-tenths foot candles.
            5.   a.   Unless otherwise approved, all project light standards shall be of uniform height, not to exceed 30 feet in height, except when lights abut or fall within 75 feet of a residential use property, where the maximum height shall not exceed 20 feet.
               b.   For parking lots in excess of 300 spaces, light standards may be a maximum of 50 feet in height provided they are located at least 200 feet from any residential use property.
            6.   To minimize visual clutter, parking lot lighting should be incorporated into planting areas where possible.
         (l)   Parking lot landscaping.
            1.   Parking lot landscape requirements shall be applicable to all parking areas in all districts, and a parking lot landscape plan shall be provided.
            2.   A landscape strip shall be provided around the perimeter of the parking lot, as defined below:
               a.   When the parking lot abuts a building(s) the strip shall be:
                  i.    Four feet wide - parking lot with one to 40 spaces or a single parallel driving aisle, or any other configuration of equal or greater square footage.
                  ii.    Six feet wide - parking lot with 41 or more spaces, or any other configuration of equal or greater square footage.
                  iii.    For single use buildings with front facades less than 100 feet in length a minimum 150 square feet of landscape area may be installed at the building entrance (total square footage for both sides of entrance) in place of the required planting strip along the front facade.
                  iv.    For buildings with an arcade across the front facade or an access aisle immediately adjacent and parallel to the front facade, the required landscaping may be consolidated at focal points along the front facade and/or incorporated into other required parking lot landscape areas (perimeter or interior).
                  v.    A landscape strip abutting a building shall have at least 50% of its length occupied by shrubs.
               b.   When the parking lot abuts a right-of-way, the strip will be:
                  i.    In the CBD District - Six feet or the building setback, whichever is greater.
                  ii.    In all other zoning districts:
1-75 spaces:         10 feet
76-150 spaces:         20 feet
151+spaces:         30 feet
               c.   When the parking lot abuts vacant land or an existing parking area with no landscape strip, the strip will have a minimum width as follows:
1-75 spaces:         6 feet
76-150 spaces:         8 feet
151+spaces:         12 feet
               d.   When the parking lot abuts an existing parking lot which provides for a perimeter landscape strip, the width of the strip will be equal to the additional width needed to create a strip with an overall minimum width as prescribed in division c. above. However, a landscape strip of at least four feet wide must extend from the property line inward.
               e.   When a parking lot abuts a residentially zoned or used property, a landscape area shall be provided as prescribed in the individual zoning district and shall have a screen as prescribed in division (C)(1) of this section.
               f.   When a new development is constructed either adjacent to or in between existing developments, the type and placement of street trees in the right-of-way along the new development shall be consistent with the type and placement of street trees along the existing development right-of-way (see Figure 26. F).
Figure 26.F Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping
Figure 26.G Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping
               g.    All landscape strips shall be planted with shrubbery, trees, and groundcover. There shall be one tree for every 40 feet of landscape strip.
               h.   Piped utilities, such as water, sewer, and gas, may cross through, run parallel and adjoining to, or within the outer two feet of a landscapestrip.
               i.   Cable utilities, such as electricity, cable television, and telephones located within a landscape strip must be placed a minimum of 24 inches below grade.
            iii.   Landscaping of interior parking areas.
               a.    Parking areas totaling 76 or more spaces shall provide a minimum of 10% interior landscaping. Parking areas totaling 75 or less spaces shall provide a minimum of 5% interior landscaping, which may be transferred to the perimeter of the lot(s) if interior landscaping is not possible. Plant material within parking lots shall provide for safe visibility and maintain clear site lines between three and eight feet from the top of the curb.
               b.    Interior landscaping shall occur in any combination of planting islands, planting peninsulas, and entrance ways (see Figure 26.H).
               c.   Unless otherwise approved all parking lot interior landscape areas shall have a minimum width of 6 feet.
Figure 26.H Parking Lot Interior Landscaping
               d.   Unless otherwise approved, plantings within islands and peninsulas shall consist of at least one tree and mulch or groundcover for each 162 square feet, or portion thereof, of required landscape area. Shrubs may also be used as long as they do not exceed three feet in height.
            iv.   In cases in which trees exist on the property where the parking lot is proposed, the existing trees shall be maintained where they do not impede construction on the site and shall count toward the interior landscape requirement. Accepted best management practices for tree preservation shall be used. The location of existing trees to be saved shall be included in the landscape plan submitted to the Planning and Zoning Staff prior to site clearance.
            v.   Parking lots for 300 or more spaces requiring a central access drive shall have a minimum six foot wide landscape area on both sides and running the length of the drive. A minimum of one shade tree for every 50 lineal feet of landscape area shall be provided. This landscape area may count toward 50% of the interior landscape requirement for the adjoining parking area of the development.
         (m)   Planting standards. Planting areas can be landscaped with a variety of trees, shrubs, or other planting materials. The variety of planting materials used should be tolerant of the existing urban conditions including exhaust, salt, and poor and/or compacted soils.
            i.   Deciduous canopy trees shall be a minimum of two and one-half caliper inches d.b.h.; ornamental trees shall be a minimum two caliper inches; coniferous trees shall be a minimum of six feet in height; evergreen and deciduous shrubbery shall be a minimum of 18 inches in height, except where required as a screen.
            ii.   All deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs shall be prepared and planted in accordance with industry standards.
            iii.   Planting islands and peninsulas shall encompass an area of not less than 162 square feet for single parking rows and 324 square feet for double parking rows.
         (n)   Visibility requirements.
            i.   All landscape plantings, shrubs, trees, walls, fences, temporary and permanent, shall permit completely unobstructed vision within a clearsight triangle in accordance with § 151.229(B) intersection visibility area.
            ii.   Landscaping installed in parking areas shall be spaced and maintained so that a visual obstruction that represents a traffic hazard is not created.
         (o)   Pedestrian access.
            i.   For business and office use developments with parking lots abutting a public right-of-way there shall be a designated route(s) for pedestrians between the public sidewalk and the main entrance of the building or to the sidewalk fronting the building in the case of a multi-entrance building as per the following:
               a.   For properties with 100 feet or less of frontage abutting a public right-of-way there shall be a minimum of one designated route.
               b.   For properties with more than 100 feet of frontage abutting a public right-of-way a minimum of one designated route per vehicular access or 300 feet of frontage, whichever is greater.
               c.   For properties with frontage abutting two or more public streets, the minimum required designated routes shall be provided along each street.
            ii.   When a public sidewalk does not exist, the following shall apply:
               a.   For new construction on vacant land, both a public sidewalk as per city standards and the required designated pedestrian connections shall be installed. The sidewalk must be constructed with a minimum five foot landscaped green space (tree lawn) between the curb and the outside edge of the sidewalk. Street trees must be planted at intervals of not less than 40 feet apart (as amended by Ordinance 5044 on July 11,2007).
               b.   For reconstruction on an existing development, a public sidewalk shall be installed if at least 40% of the properties on both sides of the street in the same block have public sidewalks, as well as the required designated pedestrian routes.
            iii.   Walkways shall be designed to be recognizable to both drivers and pedestrians. Any combination of at least two of the following walkway treatments shall be used:
               a.    Constructing the walk/ crosswalk from different materials, such as concrete or brick or other material approved or recognized under The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.
               b.    Placing bollards at sufficient regular intervals to delineate the walk/ crosswalk.
               c.    Aligning planting islands to define the walk/crosswalk.
               d.    Raising the walk/ crosswalk.
               e.    Painting pavement with walk/crosswalk striping.
         (p)   Drive-thru facilities.
            i.   Drive-thru lanes shall be of sufficient width so as to allow for the passage of two cars side-by-side in two marked driving lanes. In no case shall the required width be less than 16 feet. This requirement shall apply to the entire length of the queuing line of the drive-thru business. This requirement also applies to the area of the parking lot necessary for the overflow of waiting cars in the extended queuing line for drive-thru businesses. (As amended per Ordinance No. 4683 July 10, 2002.)
            ii.   Uses which offer drive-thru operations shall have a minimum first floor area of 800 square feet.
            iii.   Internal circulation and access to and egress from the site shall not substantially impair the movement of other modes of transportation, such as bicycles and pedestrians, to and through the site.
            iv.   Each facility shall provide sufficient queue area of a minimum of 20 feet per vehicle in advance of the service window to accommodate a minimum of three vehicles per establishment. The queue area may not interfere with other on-site circulation and parking facilities.
            v.   Pedestrian walkways must have clear visibility and be emphasized by enhanced paving or markings when they intersect the drive-thru aisles.
            vi.   The drive-thru use shall be screened from adjacent rights-of-way and properties through placement of the drive-thru, screening, landscaping or other site design techniques.
            vii.   Any curb cuts serving the use are not located within 200 feet of any intersection of the rights-of-way of the major streets or major arterials.
            viii.   The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the proposed facility are such that the drive-thru operation will be reasonably compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of nearby properties.
   (D)   Schedule of off-street parking space requirements. Accessory off-street parking spaces shall be provided as required for the following uses:
Type of Use
Space Requirements
Type of Use
Space Requirements
Residential Uses
Single- two-, multi-family and townhouse dwelling
2 spaces per dwelling unit
Boarding and lodging houses, fraternities and sororities
1 space per bed
Home occupation
1 space per 200 square feet devoted to the home occupation (in addition to the dwelling unit requirement)
Within the R-5 District
1 space per dwelling unit
Commercial Uses
Automobile, mobile home, truck, recreational vehicle, boat and farm implement sales
1 space per 300 square feet of showroom floor area plus 1 space per 2,000 square feet of outdoor sales area
Auto service station and repair
1 space per pump plus 2 spaces per service bay
Car wash (self service or automatic)
1 space per employee on the largest shift
Convenience retail
6 spaces per 1,000 square feet
1 space per 1,000 square feet
Hotel, motel and bed-and-breakfast
1 space per room plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift
Video Rental Store
1 space per employee on the largest shift plus 1 space per every 350 square feet
Movie theater
1 space per 2 seats
Office (Professional, Government and Business)
1 space per 300 square feet
Plant nursery
1 space per 300 square feet of sales area plus 1 space per acre
Rental agency
1 space per 300 square feet plus 1 space per 1,000 square feet outdoor display area
Restaurants and fast food establishment
1 space per 2.5 seats plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift
Retail sales and services establishment, under 150,000 SF
1 space per 300 square feet
Retail sales and services establishment, 150,000 SF or greater
1 space per 400 square feet
Roadside sales
5 spaces per stand
Tavern and night club
1 space per 100 square feet
Wholesale sales
1 space per 600 square feet plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift
Schools, Churches, Health Care Facilities and Other Institutions
Assisted Living Facility
1 space per two dwellings plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift.
Religious Institutions
1 space per 4 seats in the main place of assembly plus other uses
College; university; business, trade or commercial; and high school
10 spaces per classroom
Day care and kindergarten
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 6 students
Elementary and middle schools
1 space per 2 employees plus 2 spaces per classroom
1 space per 2 beds plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift
Medical office building
1 space per 250 square feet
Nursing or convalescent facility
1 space per 3 beds plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift
Penal or correctional institution
1 space per employee on the largest shift plus 1 space per 5 cells
Research, medical or optical laboratory
1 space per 300 square feet
Cultural and Entertainment Facilities
Bowling alley
5 spaces per lane
Carnival, circus and fair
50 spaces per acre
Golf course
6 spaces per hole
Meeting or party hall, banquet facility, country club or dance hall
1 space per 200 square feet of indoor space; plus 1 space per 5,000 square feet of outdoor space; plus 1 space per 50 square fee of dining or activity space
Private club or lodge
1 space per 200 square feet plus 1 space per 2 seats in main place of assembly
Race track
1 space per 4 seats or six feet of benches
Riding stable (public)
1 space per stall
Stadium or coliseum
1 space per 3 seats or six feet of benches
Tennis or racquetball facility
2 spaces per court plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift
Manufacturing, Warehouse and Miscellaneous
1 space per employee on the largest shift
1 space per employee on the largest shift plus 1 space for every 1,000 square feet of hangar space or outdoor aircraft storage space
Manufacturing establishment
1 space per employee on the largest shift, plus 1 space per 300 square feet of public office area
Mineral extraction, borrow pit, top soil removal and storage
1 space per employee on the largest shift
Mortuary or crematory
1 space per 50 square feet of public area
Motor bus or railroad passenger station
1 space per 4 seats of waiting area seat
Post office
1 space per official vehicle plus 1 space per employee on the largest shift plus 1 space per 200 square feet
Sanitary landfill or refuse dump; sewage, trash, garbage disposal or recycling plant
1 space per employee on the largest shift plus 1 space per 4 acres
Self-service storage
1 space per 2,000 square feet
Truck terminal
1 space per 1,000 square feet
Warehouse and storage facility
1 space per employee on the largest shift, plus 1 space per 300 square feet of public office space
Water treatment or storage facility
1 space per employee on the largest shift
   (E)   Off-street loading requirements.
      (1)   Every building which requires the receipt or distribution of materials or merchandise by trucks or similar vehicles, shall be required to have off-street loading zones in accordance with requirements of this chapter.
      (2)   All required off-street loading facilities which serve a building, structure or use of land erected, established, altered, enlarged or intensified after the effective date of this chapter shall be located on the same lot as the building, structure or use of land to be served.
      (3)    All required off-street loading facilities shall be located within the side or rear yard of the lot on which the principle structure or use is located. In the M-1 Limited Manufacturing District and the M-2 General Manufacturing District, loading facilities may be located in front of the principal building but not in the required front yard. Off-street loading facilities shall be located in a manner to prevent vehicle maneuvering in or blockage of rights-of-way.
      (4)   Areas designated as off-street loading facilities may not be used to satisfy the parking requirements established in division (D).
      (5)   Off-Street loading space requirement: Each loading berth shall have a minimum dimension of not less than 12 feet in width; 65 feet in length; and 14 feet vertical clearance, exclusive of access drives, aisles and maneuvering space.
      (6)   Off-street loading areas shall not be closer than 50 feet to any property in a residential district unless completely enclosed by building walls, a compact evergreen screen, a uniformly painted fence or any combination thereof not less than 6 feet in height.
   (F)   Images. Pursuant to Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003 the following figures are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set out herein:
      (1)   Figure 26H;
      (2)   Figure 26I;
      (3)   Figure 26J; and
      (4)   Figure 26K.
(1979 Code, § 151.191) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 4462, passed 1-13-2000; Am. Ord. 4542, passed 12-4-2000; Am. Ord. 4683, passed 7-1-2002; Am. Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003; Am. Ord. 4960, passed 4-3-2006; Am. Ord. 4985, passed 9-11-2006; Am. Ord. 4994, passed 10-16-2006; Am. Ord. 5044, passed 7-9-2007; Am. Ord. 5618, passed 9-11-2017) Penalty, see § 151.999