   (A)   Purpose. The R-4 District is designed to provide for new multiple-family residential development.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Any use permitted in the R-3, Two-Family Dwelling District, except 1- and 2-family dwellings;
      (2)   Multiple-family dwellings;
      (3)   Dormitories, sorority and fraternity houses; and
      (4)   Radio towers owned by federally licensed amateur ham radio operators.
   (C)   Special exception uses.
      (1)   Special exceptions listed in the R-3, Two-Family Dwelling District; and
      (2)   Hospitals and clinics.
   (D)   Yard requirements.
      (1)   The yard requirements for the R-4, Multiple-Family Dwelling District are as follows: (All standards are minimums except as noted.)
         (a)   Lot size: A minimum of 10,000 square feet including at least 1,500 square feet for each efficiency unit or sleeping room; and at least 2,500 square feet for each other dwelling unit.
         (b)   Frontage: 100 feet.
         (c)   Setbacks:
            1.   Front yard: 25 feet.
            2.   Side yards: 10 feet for each side yard. 1 additional foot for every 2 feet in height above 35 feet.
            3.   Rear yards: and 30 feet or established setbacks if adjacent to a river or creek.
            4.   Corner side yard: The corner side yard setback is determined by measuring the average established setback of the structures within the same block between 2 intersecting streets. This calculation would equal the established front yard setback for the side street.
         (d)   Maximum structure height: 65 feet.
         (e)   Maximum lot coverage for structures: 40% total for all structures.
         (f)   Floor area ratio: 3.0.
      (2)   The planning staff may approve an increase in height of up to 70 feet for a radio tower that is:
         (a)   Structurally attached to primary structures;
         (b)   Owned by federally licensed amateur ham radio operators; and
         (c)   When it has been demonstrated by study that the additional height is necessary for effective operation of the radio tower.
   (E)   Development conditions. Landscape requirements. In addition to the requirements specified in §§ 151.225 through 151.234, the following landscape requirements shall apply:
      (1)   (a)   In the event a property to be developed in this district is adjacent to a residentially zoned or used property along a common side or rear lot, whether separated by an alley or not, the following landscape area shall be provided:
Parcel Size
Width of Required Landscape Area
< 1 acre
8 feet
1 to 3 acres
12 feet
> 3 acres
15 feet
         (b)   The landscaped area shall consist of a combination of ornamental or shade trees, shrubs and ground cover. At least 50% of the common lot line landscape area shall contain shrubs and/or trees. A minimum of 1 tree per every 30 feet of common lot line shall be provided.
      (2)   All dumpsters located in a side or rear yard abutting a residentially zoned or used property shall be screened by a solid 6-foot high fence, wall or dense evergreen hedge. Fences and walls shall be consistent with the architecture of the development or principal building.
   (F)   Supplemental regulations.
      (1)   Special flood hazard area regulations: §§ 151.120 et seq.
      (2)   Wetlands Conservation District regulations: §§ 151.145 et seq.
      (3)   Air Space Control Area regulations: §§ 151.210 et seq.
      (4)   Accessory structures and swimming pool requirements: § 151.225.
      (5)   Landscape and screening requirements: § 151.226.
      (6)   Permitted obstructions in required yards: § 151.227.
      (7)   Fence requirements: § 151.228.
      (8)   Intersection visibility area requirements: § 151.229.
      (9)   Primary street setback requirements: § 151.229.
      (10)   Off-street parking and loading requirements: § 151.231.
      (11)   Sign regulations: § 151.234.
(1979 Code, § 151.038) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 4457, passed 12-6-1999; Am. Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003 ; Am. Ord. 5175, passed 7-20-2009)   Penalty, see § 151.999