   (A)   Purpose. The R-1 District is designed to provide for the lowest density single-family residential development requiring larger lot width and area. The intent is to protect and conserve existing and future residential development, particularly in more recently developed areas.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   One-family detached dwellings with a minimum width of 24 feet and a minimum of 1,250 square feet of dwelling unit space, in which case the ground floor shall consist of no less than 850 square feet of the dwelling unit space. The primary facade of the structure shall face a public street.
         (a)   Site-constructed dwellings;
         (b)   Modular homes, placed on a permanent foundation; and
         (c)   Manufactured homes, placed on a permanent foundation.
      (2)   Home occupations;
      (3)   Temporary structures, used for construction site purposes for a period not to exceed 6 months;
      (4)   Accessory structures and uses;
      (5)   Not more than 4 domestic animals over 16 weeks of age;
      (6)   Sales, rummage - private or public (see division (E));
      (7)   Police and fire stations, located along a primary or thoroughfare street;
      (8)   Sheltered living homes licensed by the State of Indiana; and
      (9)   Radio towers owned by federally licensed amateur radio operators.
   (C)   Special exception uses.
      (1)   Cemeteries;
      (2)   Places of worship;
      (3)   Golf courses and country clubs, including associated buildings;
      (4)   Fraternal or religious institutions;
      (5)   Public libraries, located on a collector or arterial street;
      (6)   Day care home;
      (7)   Day care center, located on a collector or arterial street;
      (8)   Nursing homes/assisted living centers;
      (9)   Community centers;
      (10)   Public utilities and public service uses, including but not limited to: public utility facilities, railroad facilities, sewage treatment plant, telephone exchange, water filtration plants, water pumping stations and water reservoirs;
      (11)   Police and fire stations, if on a lot not abutting a primary or thoroughfare street;
      (12)   School, elementary and secondary, public or private, including auxiliary playgrounds and athletic fields;
      (13)   Sheltered living homes not licensed by the State of Indiana;
      (14)   Bed and breakfast home;
      (15)   Parks and playgrounds;
      (16)   Off- or on-site parking lots and driveways (including street access) used in connection with business, office, manufacturing or special exception uses;
      (17)   Private clubs or lodges not run as businesses; and
      (18)   Funeral homes, crematories and similar services.
   (D)   Yard requirements.
      (1)   The yard requirements for the R-1, One-Family Dwelling District are as follows: (All standards are minimums except as noted.)
         (a)   Lot size: 9,500 square feet.
         (b)   Frontage: 75 feet.
         (c)   Setbacks:
            1.   Front yard: Established setbacks; or 25 feet if no established setback.
            2.   Side yard: 20 feet total, minimum of 7 feet on any side or 17 feet between dwelling units.
            3.   Rear yard: 30 feet or established setbacks if adjacent to a river or creek.
            4.   Corner side yard: The corner side yard setback is determined by measuring the average established setback of the structures within the same block between 2 intersecting streets. This calculation would equal the established front yard setback for the side street.
         (d)    Maximum structure height: 40 foot maximum with 25 foot total side yard, a minimum of 10 feet on any side, and 20 feet between dwelling units.
         (e)   Maximum lot coverage for structures: 40% total for all structures.
      (2)   The planning staff may approve an increase in height of up to 70 feet for a radio tower that is:
         (a)   Structurally attached to primary structures;
         (b)   Owned by federally licensed amateur ham radio operators; and
         (c)   When it has been demonstrated by study that the additional height is necessary for effective operation of the radio tower.
   (E)   Development standards: rummage sales.
      (1)   Private.
         (a)   No such sale shall be conducted for longer than 3 consecutive days, nor more than 15 days in any calendar year by any of the same persons or on the same property.
         (b)   No articles or items purchased for resale shall be offered for sale.
         (c)   Motor vehicles, boats, trailers and industrial or commercial equipment shall not be offered for sale on the premises in conducting this sale.
         (d)   No articles or items for sale shall be displayed within 10 feet of a public right-of-way nor within 6 feet of a side yard lot line.
         (e)   At the close of each day and not later than 8:00 p.m. on such day all articles not sold shall be removed from the front and side yards.
      (2)   Public. No such sale shall continue for more than 14 consecutive days or more than 40 days in any calendar year.
   (F)   Supplemental regulations.
      (1)   Special flood hazard area regulations: §§ 151.120 et seq.
      (2)   Wetlands Conservation District regulations: §§ 151.145 et seq.
      (3)   Air Space Control Area regulations: §§ 151.210 et seq.
      (4)   Accessory structures and swimming pool requirements: § 151.225.
      (5)   Permitted obstructions in required yards: § 151.227.
      (6)   Fence requirements: § 151.228.
      (7)   Intersection visibility area requirements: § 151.229.
      (8)   Primary street setback requirements: § 151.229.
      (9)   Off-street parking and loading requirements: § 151.231.
      (10)   Sign regulations: § 151.234.
(1979 Code, § 151.035) (Ord. 4370, passed 7-20-1998; Am. Ord. 4431, passed 7-12-1999; Am. Ord. 4457, passed 12-6-1999; Am. Ord. 4542, passed 12-4-2000; Am. Ord. 4762, passed 8-1-2003 ; Am. Ord. 4985, passed 9-11-2006; Am. Ord. 5175, passed 7-20-2009)  Penalty, see § 151.999