Clothing purchase or rental shall be limited to items that are needed for safety and functional purposes as listed below. Jackets are limited to outerwear, not including sport coats:
(A) General Fund.
(1) Board of Public Works and Safety: housekeeper and maintenance;
(2) Building Department: shirts, jackets, trousers and safety shoes;
(3) Civil defense: shirt, jacket, trousers, cap, tie, badge, patch;
(4) Electrical Department: per AFSCME agreement;
(5) Engineering Department: shirt, jacket, trousers and safety shoes;
(6) Fire Department: as required by law and IAFF contract; and
(7) Police Department: as required by law and FOP contract.
(B) Department Funds.
(1) Aviation: shirts, trousers and special uniforms for crash fire rescues as determined by Board of Aviation Commissioners;
(2) Cemetery: per AFSCME agreement;
(3) Motor Vehicle Highway: per AFSCME agreement;
(4) Park and Recreation: per AFSCME agreement and jeans, t-shirts, caps, sweat shirts, gloves, work boots, tennis shoes and rainwear approved by Park and Recreation Board; and
(5) Communications Center: jackets, shirts, trousers, badges and patches as approved by Board of Public Works and Safety.
(1979 Code, § 32.41) (Ord. 3679, passed 12-2-1985)