(A)    In the event that the city’s Bargaining Committee and the Employees Bargaining Committee are unable to reach an agreement by September 1 of any year in which bargaining occurs, either party may submit written request to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) for advisory mediation. The FMCS shall provide a mediator mutually agreeable to both committees.
   (B)   The counsel of the mediator shall be advisory only and shall not be binding on either party.
   (C)   All FMCS mediation charges shall be divided equally between the bargaining agent and the city. In the event there is no bargaining agent, the city shall bear the charges.
(1979 Code, § 32.25) (Ord. 3858, passed 5-6-1988; Am. Ord. 5742, passed 6-17-2019)