(A) Scope. This section shall apply to all employees of the city who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
(B) Vacation. The vacation schedule for the employees of the City of Elkhart shall be as follows:
(1) Vacation time is awarded in the first year of employment upon completion of a 90-day probationary period as an employee of the city. Thereafter, vacation time is earned on the anniversary date of an employee's date of hire, according to the schedule set forth in division (B)(2) below. However, if an employee's employment is terminated, voluntarily or involuntarily, during the first year of employment, the employee shall be paid compensation based upon the employee's daily rate of pay for the days of unused vacation time, relative to and in proportion to the amount of first year worked. If an employee has used a greater percentage of the employee's vacation time than the percentage of the first year worked, then the employee's final pay shall be reduced by the amount of vacation time used that is in greater than the percent of the first year worked. The reduction shall be based upon the employee's daily rate of pay.
(2) Employees shall be entitled to:
(a) Two weeks (ten workdays) of vacation with pay after successfully completing a 90-day probationary period in the first year of employment, and on the anniversary date of the employee's date of hire in succeeding years.
(b) Three weeks (15 workdays) of vacation with pay in year four of employment.
(c) Four weeks (20 workdays) of vacation with pay in year seven of employment.
(d) Five weeks (25 workdays) of vacation with pay in year 15 of employment.
(3) In addition to the above entitlement, commencing in year 20 and each year thereafter, an employee shall receive the following:
(a) One additional vacation day with pay in year 20;
(b) One additional vacation day with pay in year 21;
(c) One additional vacation day with pay in year 22;
(d) One additional vacation day with pay in year 23;
(e) One additional vacation day with pay in year 24.
(4) Vacation time must be used by the employee's annual anniversary date. Any unused vacation time which remains on the employee's anniversary date shall lapse and shall not carry-over to be added to vacation time that an employee receives in the succeeding year.
(5) Elected and appointed officials shall be entitled to vacation time in the manner and form otherwise established for employees of the city.
(C) Sick leave. The sick leave schedule for employees of the city shall be as follows: Each employee will accrue 4 hours of paid sick leave each 2-week period for short-term sickness during the calendar year.
(D) Holidays.
(1) The employees of the city shall be granted 12 holidays with pay in addition to the primary and general election days in election years, as follows:
(a) New Year's Day, January 1;
(b) Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, the third Monday in January;
(c) President's Day, the third Monday in February;
(d) Good Friday;
(e) Memorial Day, the last Monday in May;
(f) Juneteenth, June 19;
(g) Independence Day, July 4;
(h) Labor Day, the first Monday in September;
(i) Veteran's Day, November 11;
(j) Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November;
(k) Friday after Thanksgiving Day; and
(l) Christmas Day, December 25.
(2) When any of these holidays falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be the legal holiday. When any of these holidays falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the legal holiday.
(E) Personal hours. After 1 year of continuous service, employees of the city shall accrue 16 personal hours per calendar year with pay.
(F) Funeral leave. Employees of the city may receive up to 5 days of paid funeral leave.
(1979 Code, § 32.15) (Ord. 2018, passed 10-7-1963; Ord. 4507, passed 9-11-2001; Am. Ord. 4854, passed 10-7-2004; Am. Ord. 5237, passed 11-1-2010; Am. Ord. 5856, passed 7-19-2021; Am. Ord. 5885, passed 12-6-2021)