   (A)   The following definition shall apply to this section unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      BENEFITS. Monetary compensation payable to the employee at time of separation from employment by reason of accumulated unused sick leave time.
   (B)   Eligibility. All full time employees of the City of Elkhart who have been employed by the city for 15 years or more and who leave city employment for any reason other than being terminated for just cause shall receive the benefits set forth in division (D) of this section.
   (C)   It is determined to be beneficial and proper that city employees shall be compensated for sick leave accumulated and unused during the time of their employment with the City of Elkhart, and that such payment for accumulated sick leave shall be paid within 30 days following the separation of employee.
   (D)   The maximum amount of accumulated unused sick leave time which shall be compensated for shall not exceed 640 hours, and the rate of payment for the sick leave time shall be at the weighted average hourly base pay rate or, in the case of a salaried employee, the base salary, during the last 2 years of the employee’s service with the city.
   (E)   Department reads of the various departments whose employees are eligible for benefits as provided by this section shall maintain and keep an accurate record of all hours accumulating as unused sick leave time and shall include such complete record with their report to be submitted to the City Controller at the end of each year.
   (F)   Department heads of the various departments whose employees are eligible for benefits as provided by this section shall forthwith prepare and distribute to any employee within their department who has accumulated sick leave time, a record of the accumulated sick leave time as of December 31, 1998, and each department head shall within 30 days after December 31 of each succeeding year supply any employee within his or her department the amount of accumulated sick leave time.
   (G)   The provisions of this section shall be effective for all employees separating from city employment on or after September 14, 1998.
   (H)   This section shall go into effect after publication pursuant to law, but shall not prohibit eligible employees from obtaining the benefit who separate from the city prior to date of publication, but on or after September 14, 1998.
   (I)   An eligible employee may elect to receive benefits under this section or § 32.018, but not both.
(1979 Code, § 32.09) (Ord. 4383, passed 9-22-1998)