No occupant of any building or room shall allow any rubbish, offal or decaying animal or vegetable matter to remain on any public street or alley in front of the premises.
(1979 Code, § 99.24) (Ord. 138, passed 10-28-1891) Penalty, see § 99.99
No person, firm or corporation shall deposit ashes in the streets and alleys of the city. However, ashes free from nails, glass and other objects liable to puncture tires may be used for temporary improvement of streets and alleys, but only after obtaining permission from the Board of Public Works and Safety in writing specifying the place that is to be so improved. It shall be unlawful to leave ashes or other material for the improvement of a street or alley without spreading them to the grade and crown of the highway so as to leave a smooth surface roadway for traveling.
(1979 Code, § 99.30) (Ord. 775, passed 12-6-1917) Penalty, see § 99.99
No person, firm or corporation, without having obtained a permit from the Board of Public Works and Safety to do so, shall place, pile, deposit or cause or permit to be placed, piled or deposited in that portion of the streets of the city between the sidewalk line and the curb line commonly known as the parkway, any ashes, garbage or other filth or refuse.
(1979 Code, § 99.31) (Ord. 874, passed 12-3-1920) Penalty, see § 99.99
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
RECYCLABLES. Materials having an economic value in the secondary materials market. The following materials are hereby declared to have such economic value: aluminum and bi-metal cans, glass containers, newspapers and plastics.
(1979 Code, § 99.41) (Ord. 4026, passed 5-6-1991)