   (A)   The rules and regulations prescribed in §§ 30.01 through 30.17 are hereby adopted for the government of the Council of the city and of its Council members. Any enumeration of powers in this subchapter shall not be held to limit the legislative power of the Council except where specifically provided.
   (B)   The Council shall have the power to adopt local laws deemed necessary for the effective operation and conduct of government with respect to municipal and internal affairs, and shall provide for the enforcement of such laws and prescribe violation and punishments thereto.
   (C)   The Council shall have the authority to request or compel attendance of Council members, other officers of the city and other witnesses, and may require the production of documents germane to matters being considered at meetings of the Council.
   (D)   The Council may punish contempt and disorder in rooms of the Council.
   (E)   The Council shall have the power to discipline Council members.
   (F)   The Council shall have the power to pass all ordinances, orders, resolutions and motions for the government of the city, for the control of its property and finances and for the appropriation of money.
   (G)   The Council shall have the power to supervise and investigate all departments, officers and employees of the city government and to examine into any charge preferred against them, and into the affairs of any corporation, firm or person in which the city may be interested in contracting.
   (H)   The Council shall have the power to manage the finances of the city subject to the powers and duties vested in the executive departments.
(1979 Code, § 30.01) (Ord. 3116, passed 7-2-1979; Am. Ord. 4099, passed 1-25-1993)