   (A)   The final plat drawing shall contain the following:
      (1)   Name of the subdivision;
      (2)   Location by section, township and range or other legal description;
      (3)   Names of owners;
      (4)   Scale 1 inch to 100 feet or larger (shown graphically), date and northpoint;
      (5)   Boundary of the plat, based on an accurate traverse, with angular and linear dimensions;
      (6)   Exact location, width and name of streets (including right-of-way) within and adjacent to the plat; (Proposed names shall be approved by the appropriate city departments.)
      (7)   True angles and distances to the nearest established street lines or official monuments, which shall be accurately described;
      (8)   Corporate, township, county and section lines and previously platted land accurately tied to the lines of the subdivision;
      (9)   Radii of intersection, tangent length, curve length, points of curvature and tangent, curve radii, internal angles, tangent bearings and curve lengths for all streets within the plat;
      (10)   All public service and utility easements;
      (11)   All lot numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions, except for industrial subdivisions;
      (12)   Accurate location of all monuments and markers, including lot corners, points of curvature and points of tangent;
      (13)   Location of the 100-year flood plain boundary for lands identified as flood prone;
      (14)   Boundary delineation of all wetlands, as defined in the city zoning code, located in the subdivision;
      (15)   Location, legal description and purpose of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, and of any areas to be reserved by deed covenant for common use of all property owners within the subdivision;
      (16)   Protective covenants regulating the use and development of the lots, as approved by the Plan Commission during primary approval, shall be included on the final plat or attached as a separate exhibit;
      (17)   Certification by a registered surveyor or engineer that the plat represents a survey made by him or her and that all monuments and markers shown exist as located and all dimensional and geodetic details are correct;
      (18)   Notarized certification by owner(s) and any mortgage holder on record of the adoption of the plat and the dedication of streets and other public areas;
      (19)   Proper form for the approval of the Plat Committee and Board of Works with required signatures;
      (20)   All required agreements as described in § 152.067 below as attachments to the final plat.
   (B)   (1)   Industrial subdivisions platted under the regulations of this chapter prior to its amendment may be re-subdivided with only the approval of the Planning Department staff.
      (2)   The re-subdivision must be recorded in accordance with § 152.065(C) and (D).
(1979 Code, § 152.51) (Ord. 3909, passed 4-3-1989; Am. 4032, passed 7-22-1991; Am. Ord. 4110, passed 6-21-1993)
§ 152.067 AGREEMENTS.
   The final plat to be recorded shall be accompanied by the following agreements signed by the owner and subdivider:
   (A)   That plans and specifications for the improvements previously approved by the City Engineer or other appropriate city departments are incorporated as part of the final subdivision plat;
   (B)   That said improvements have been or will be installed in accordance with the plans and specifications;
   (C)   In the event the required improvements have not been completed prior to approval of the final plat the following bonds shall be included:
      (1)   Construction bond in an amount and time frame established by the Board of Public Works and Safety for the installation of the improvements with good and sufficient surety, conditioned upon the installation of the required improvements within 2 years of the approval of the final plat; and
      (2)   Maintenance bond to be supplied by the contractor within 10 days after award of contract, in an amount at least equal to 30% of the contract price, guaranteeing for a period of 3 years after the date of acceptance of work by the city, that all workmanship and materials are in accordance with the plans and specifications.
(1979 Code, § 152.52) (Ord. 3909, passed 4-3-1989)