   152.01   Comprehensive plan
   152.02   Planning Commission
   (A)   The comprehensive plan for the city, as officially adopted by the city’s Planning Commission on 9-22-2020, and officially titled “Envision Elizabethtown 2040 Comprehensive Plan”, is hereby adopted by reference and incorporated into this code of ordinances as if fully set forth herein. The plan was adopted in conformance with the requirements of KRS Ch. 100. In conformance with the requirements of KRS 100.193, the City Council adopted the statement of goals and objectives, included in the comprehensive plan, on 10-12-2020.
   (B)   Copies of the plan are available in the office of the Department of Planning and Development.
(Prior Code, § 153.01) (Ord. 30-1988, passed 8-15-1988)
   There is hereby re-established and reconfirmed the Planning Commission pursuant to KRS 100.133 et seq. The Planning Commission shall consist of five voting members. The term of office for members of the Planning Commission shall be four years, but the term of office of members first appointed shall be staggered so that a proportionate number shall serve one, two, three and four years respectively, and later appointments or re-appointments shall continue the staggered pattern. An ex officio member of the Planning Commission shall be a member of the City Council whose term in office shall be the same as his or her official tenure as a member of the City Council. Any vacancies created herein shall be filled pursuant to KRS Ch. 100. The jurisdiction of the Planning Commission shall be the city limits and all extraterritorial jurisdiction it has under the law.
(Prior Code, § 153.02) (Ord. passed 7-6-1970; Ord. passed 6-20-1983)