Site plan review shall be required for any of the following conditions:
(a) In any district, the construction of more than five (5) parking spaces on a property to be developed for any use.
(c) The construction of a principal building in any district other than A-1 or R-1 District.
(d) The expansion of any existing or principal building in a district other than A-1or R-1. “Expansion” shall include a floor space increase of twenty-five percent (25%) or more in any commercial or industrial district. “Expansion” shall also include the construction of five (5) or more parking spaces to service the existing use or building.
Within any commercial or industrial district, a permit for the construction, exterior alteration, relocation, occupancy, or change in use of any building shall not be given and no existing use shall be established or expanded in floor area, except in conformity with a site plan approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 05-08. Passed 4-10-08.)