(a) Opening the Proceedings. The presiding officer shall take the chair at the time appointed for Council to meet and shall immediately call the members to order. Regular meetings shall be opened with a call of the roll and the approval of the minutes and journal of proceedings of the previous meeting.
(b) Order of Business. The business of the regular meetings of Council shall be transacted in the following order, which order shall be followed by the Clerk in preparation of the agenda:
(1) Roll call;
(2) Pledge of Allegiance and opening;
(3) Discussion of minutes of the previous meeting;
(4) Formal presentations;
(5) Discussion of ordinances and resolutions;
(6) City Manager's discussion and reports;
(7) Old business;
(8) New business;
(9) Adjournment.
This order may be amended at any regular meeting upon the passage of a motion to postpone any one or more of the items of business.
(c) Proceedings.
(1) At each regular meeting, Council shall transact such business as it considers necessary or as required by law. Regular meetings shall, as far as practicable, be conducted in accordance with a printed agenda prepared by the Clerk. The presiding officer may permit a member to introduce an ordinance, resolution, or motion only at an appropriate time in the meeting.
(2) All items on the agenda before Council will be considered and either tabled, referred to committee, postponed, approved or denied by Council. All actions of Council shall require a motion, a second to the motion, and a majority vote, unless a two-thirds vote or a unanimous vote is required by these rules or by law. In all cases, the vote shall be by a roll call vote and the Clerk shall record the yeses and noes on each motion.
(d) Recess. Council may recess meetings as needed or to secure needed information through fact-finding meetings, to review project sites, etc. Recess shall be called by the presiding officer, in his own discretion, or upon the motion of Council. At the end of the recess, the presiding officer shall call the meeting back to order.
(e) Adjournment. When all items on the agenda have been addressed and it appears there is no further business, any member of Council may make a motion to adjourn. The motion must be seconded and approved by a majority vote.
(Ord. 03-16. Passed 11-17-03.)