Rule 1. In opening any street, alley or public place all materials excavated shall be placed so they will cause the least inconvenience to the public travel and the excavation shall be immediately enclosed with a good and sufficient barrier properly protected at night by red or amber lights until the work is completed.
Rule 2. No street, alley or public place shall be opened until the location of the "Y" branch in the sewer has been fixed and the location of the sewer line indicated. The exact location of the "Y" branch connections is not guaranteed by the City; the location of the same will be indicated as given in the original plans and notes. All pipes or other material to be used for the connection shall be subject to inspection and approval of the Manager before placed in the work. No old or existing sewer shall be connected with the sanitary sewerage system unless the same is known to conform in every particular to the requirements of these rules. Where private sewers are jointly owned and used, the use of the same shall in all cases be limited to a single connection and separate connections made for the use of all other premises and the existing private sewers shall be uncovered, if required by the Manager in order to ascertain their condition and manner of construction before the same are allowed to be connected with the sanitary sewerage system.
Rule 3. "Y" brackets are built into the run of the sewers for each property, and the same shall be used in making connections to the same. In case an additional opening is required, a "Y" branch shall be built into the line of the sewer with the written permission and under the direction of the Manager. The inserted "Y" branch is to conform in size to the dimensions of the sewer line. The entire expense of placing the additional "Y" branches shall be the property owner's.
Rule 4. All sewer connections shall be laid in open trench, except that sidewalks may be tunneled, and shall extend from three feet outside the foundation walls or at the end of the cast iron soil pipe of the house sewerage system to the street sewers or the top of the deep house connections.
All pipe shall be at least four inches internal diameter and shall be of standard first quality, salt glazed vitrified sewer pipe, of uniform bore, with good sockets and free of cracks and blisters. All pipes shall be laid in a true line or grade with curves or independent sewers and all changes in the line of grade shall be made with curves or bands. The minimum grade allowed shall be three-eighths of an inch to two feet. All joints shall be centered true, made with a hemp gasket and filled with a good quality of cement mortar. Where the connection passes through the roots of trees the Manager may order the pipes and joints to be bedded in and covered with two inches of good cement mortar. The ends of all pipes which are not to be immediately connected with the house drainage system shall be securely closed and made watertight with vitrified clay stoppers set in cement mortar. The inside of all connections shall be left smooth and clean throughout the entire length and in all cases the same shall be laid with use of a suitable sized follower.
Rule 5. Cellar drains for ordinary sewage water from cellars may be connected at the main connection, but only at a point beyond the end of a cast iron house drainage pipe outside the cellar walls by means of a suitable "Y" branch. The cellar connection shall be protected by an efficient and approved handhole trap and by an approved automatic back-pressure valve between the trap and the connection to the "Y" branch, and the separate cellar connections shall have proper venting to the main air shaft. All cellar connections shall be made under the direction of and to the entire satisfaction of the Manager.
Rule 6. The Manager shall require a plan or diagram of all the internal sewerage fittings and connections thereof of all houses where plumbing is now installed and of all premises where the same is proposed to be installed, before approving applications for connections to the sanitary sewerage system. He shall allow no connection to the sanitary sewerage system nor to any premises where the internal plumbing fittings are not in every particular in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board of Health.
Rule 7. The backfilling of all trenches made in any street, alley or public place after the connection has been laid, inspected and approved by the Manager, shall be done in layers not more than six inches deep, each layer to be thoroughly rammed and compacted with iron rammers before filling in the next layer, and the surface of the travel roadway outside of the curb line shall be restored to a good and safe passable condition the same day the opening was made. No heaping or piling up of material over the line of the trench shall exceed four inches and all surplus material shall be at once removed from the work. The plumbers or pipe tappers making any opening shall be responsible for and keep the surface of the traveled roadway and lawn at all such places in good and in safe passable condition for six months and shall be held under their bond to make good all settlements or other displacements of the surface due to their work.