The work of numbering of the business and commercial buildings, factories and dwellings of the City in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be under the direction of the City Engineer and to the satisfaction of Council. For the purpose of carrying out the work correctly, it shall be the duty of the City Engineer to make a correct plot of each street, avenue and alley in the City showing the exact location of every number.
(Ord. 305. Passed 6-2-13.)
Upon the failure of the owner of any business or commercial building, factory or dwelling in the City, or his agent, to comply with the provisions of this chapter within thirty days after due notice is given of the same, the Manager shall cause the numbering required to be done at the expense of the owner or his agent and the number or numbers shall be furnished by the City at a uniform price not exceeding one dollar ($1.00) per number. The Director of Finance shall certify to the County Auditor the amount of such expense which is unpaid, which amount shall be placed by the County Auditor upon the County tax duplicate for collection as other taxes, as provided by law. Such remedy shall be in addition to the penalty provided in Section 1028.99.