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East Palestine Overview
East Palestine, OH Code of Ordinances
CHAPTER 606 General Provisions; Administration and Enforcement
CHAPTER 612 Alcoholic Beverages
CHAPTER 618 Animals
CHAPTER 620 Drugs
CHAPTER 622 Fair Housing
CHAPTER 624 Gambling
CHAPTER 630 Minors
CHAPTER 636 Offenses Relating to Persons
CHAPTER 642 Offenses Relating to Property
CHAPTER 648 Peace Disturbances
CHAPTER 654 Railroads
CHAPTER 660 Safety, Sanitation and Health
CHAPTER 666 Sex Related Offenses
CHAPTER 672 Weapons and Explosives
CHAPTER 698 Penalties and Sentencing
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Section 666.125 was repealed as part of the 1996 revision of these Codified Ordinances because a violation of substantially identical State law (Ohio R.C. 2907.322 and 2907.323) was made a felony by the General Assembly.)
   (a)   No person, for the purpose of enabling a juvenile to obtain any material or gain admission to any performance which is harmful to juveniles, shall do either of the following:
      (1)   Falsely represent that he or she is the parent, guardian, or spouse of the juvenile.
      (2)   Furnish the juvenile with any identification or document purporting to show that the juvenile is 18 years of age or over or married.
   (b)   No juvenile, for the purpose of obtaining any material or gaining admission to any performance which is harmful to juveniles, shall do either of the following:
      (1)   Falsely represent that he or she is 18 years of age or over or married.
      (2)   Exhibit any identification or document purporting to show that he or she is 18 years of age or over or married.
   (c)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of deception to obtain matter harmful to juveniles, a misdemeanor of the second degree. A juvenile who violates division (b) of this section shall be adjudged an unruly child, with the disposition of the case as may be appropriate under Ohio R.C. Chapter 2151.
(ORC 2907.33; Ord. 1785. Passed 1-14-74.)
   (a)   An owner or manager, or agent or employee of an owner or manager, of a bookstore, newsstand, theater, or other commercial establishment engaged in selling material or exhibiting performances, who, in the course of business does any of the acts prohibited by Section 666.11 is presumed to have knowledge of the character of the material or performance involved if the owner, manager, or agent or employee of the owner or manager has actual notice of the nature of such material or performance, whether or not the owner, manager, or agent or employee of the owner or manager has precise knowledge of its contents.
   (b)   Without limitation on the manner in which such notice may be given, actual notice of the character of material or a performance may be given in writing by the chief legal officer of the Municipality. Such notice, regardless of the manner in which it is given, shall identify the sender, identify the material or performance involved, state whether it is obscene or harmful to juveniles, and bear the date of such notice.
   (c)   Section 666.11 does not apply to a motion picture operator or projectionist acting within the scope of employment as an employee of the owner or manager of the theater or other place for the showing of motion pictures to the general public, and having no managerial responsibility or financial interest in the operator’s or projectionist’s place of employment, other than wages.
   (d)   (1)   The provisions of Sections 666.11, 666.115 and 666.13(a) do not apply to a person solely because the person provided access or connection to or from an electronic method of remotely transferring information not under that person’s control, including having provided capabilities that are incidental to providing access or connection to or from and that do not include the creation of the content of the material that is the subject of the access or connection.
      (2)   Division (d)(1) of this section does not apply to a person who conspires with an entity actively involved in the creation or knowing distribution of material in violation of Section 666.11, 666.115 or 666.13 or who knowingly advertises the availability of material of that nature.
      (3)   Division (d)(1) of this section does not apply to a person who provides access or connection to an electronic method of remotely transferring information that is engaged in the violation of Section 666.11, 666.115 or 666.13 and that contain content that person has selected and introduced into the electronic method of remotely transferring information or content over which that person exercises editorial control.
   (e)   An employer is not guilty of a violation of Section 666.11, 666.115 or 666.13 based on the actions of an employee or agent of the employer unless the employee’s or agent’s conduct is within the scope of the employee’s or agent’s employment or agency, and the employer does either of the following:
      (1)   With knowledge of the employee’s or agent’s conduct, the employer authorizes or ratifies the conduct.
      (2)   The employer recklessly disregards the employee’s or agent’s conduct.
   (f)   It is an affirmative defense to a charge under Section 666.11 or 666.115 as the section applies to an image transmitted through the internet or other electronic method of remotely transmitting information that the person charged with violating the section has taken, in good faith, reasonable, effective, and appropriate actions under the circumstances to restrict or prevent access by juveniles to material that is harmful to juveniles, including any method that is feasible under available technology.
(ORC 2907.35; Ord. 1785. Passed 1-14-74.)
   (a)   Without limitation on the persons otherwise entitled to bring an action for a declaratory judgment pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 2721, involving the same issue, the following persons have standing to bring a declaratory judgment action to determine whether particular materials or performances are obscene or harmful to juveniles:
      (1)   The chief legal officer of the Municipality if and when there is reasonable cause to believe that Ohio R.C. 2907.31 or Ohio R.C. 2907.32, or a substantially similar municipal ordinance, is being or is about to be violated;
      (2)   Any person who, pursuant to Ohio R.C. 2907.35(B) or a substantially similar municipal ordinance, has received notice in writing from the chief legal officer stating that particular materials or performances are obscene or harmful to juveniles.
   (b)   Any party to an action for a declaratory judgment pursuant to division (a) of this section is entitled, upon the party’s request, to trial on the merits within five days after joinder of the issues, and the court shall render judgment within five days after trial is concluded.
   (c)   An action for a declaratory judgement pursuant to division (a) of this section shall not be brought during the pendency of any civil action or criminal prosecution when the character of the particular materials or performances involved is at issue in the pending case, and either of the following applies:
      (1)   Either of the parties to the action for a declaratory judgment is a party to the pending case;
      (2)   A judgment in the pending case will necessarily constitute res judicata as to the character of the materials or performances involved.
   (d)   A civil action or criminal prosecution in which the character of particular materials or performances is at issue, brought during the pendency of an action for a declaratory judgment involving the same issue, shall be stayed during the pendency of the action for a declaratory judgment.
   (e)   The fact that a violation of Ohio R.C. 2907.31 or Ohio R.C. 2907.32, or a substantially similar municipal ordinance, occurs prior to a judicial determination of the character of the material or performance involved in the violation does not relieve the offender of criminal liability for the violation, even though prosecution may be stayed pending the judicial determination.
(ORC 2907.36; Ord. 1785. Passed 1-14-74.)
   (a)   Where it appears that Ohio R.C. 2907.31 or Ohio R.C. 2907.32, or a substantially similar municipal ordinance, is being or is about to be violated, the chief legal officer of the Municipality may bring an action to enjoin the violation. The defendant, upon his or her request, is entitled to trial on the merits within five days after the joinder of the issues, and the court shall render judgment within five days after the trial is concluded.
   (b)   Premises used or occupied for repeated violations of Ohio R.C. 2907.31 or Ohio R.C. 2907.32, or a substantially similar municipal ordinance, constitute a nuisance subject to abatement pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 3767.
(ORC 2907.37; Ord. 1785. Passed 1-14-74.)
   (a)   As used in this section:
      (1)   “Commercial establishment” means an entity that is open to the public and to which either of the following applies:
         A.   It has a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade of the sale, rental, or viewing of visual materials or performances depicting sexual conduct.
         B.   It has as a principal business purpose the sale, rental, or viewing of visual materials or performances depicting sexual conduct.
      (2)   “Visual materials or performances” means films, videos, CD-ROM discs, streaming video, or other motion pictures.
   (b)   No person who has custody, control, or supervision of a commercial establishment, with knowledge of the character of the visual material or performance involved, shall knowingly permit the use of, or offer the use of, viewing booths, stalls, or partitioned portions of a room located in the commercial establishment for the purpose of viewing visual materials or performances depicting sexual conduct unless both of the following apply:
      (1)   The inside of each booth, stall, or partitioned room is visible from, and at least one side of each booth, stall, or partitioned room is open to, a continuous and contiguous main aisle or hallway that is open to the public areas of the commercial establishment and is not obscured by any curtain, door, or other covering or enclosure.
      (2)   No booth, stall, or partitioned room is designed, constructed, pandered, or allowed to be used for the purpose of encouraging or facilitating nudity or sexual activity on the part of or between patrons or members of the public, and no booth, stall, or partitioned room has any aperture, hole, or opening for the purpose of encouraging or facilitating nudity or sexual activity.
   (c)   It is an affirmative defense to a charge under this section that either of the following applies to the involved visual materials or performances:
      (1)   The visual materials or performances depicting sexual conduct are disseminated or presented for a bona fide medical, scientific, educational, religious, governmental, judicial, or other proper purpose and by or to a physician, psychologist, sociologist, scientist, teacher, person pursuing bona fide studies or research, librarian, member of the clergy, prosecutor, judge, or other person having a proper interest in the visual materials or performances.
      (2)   The visual materials or performances depicting sexual conduct, taken as a whole, would be found by a reasonable person to have serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value or are presented or disseminated in good faith for a serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific purpose and are not pandered for their prurient appeal.
   (d)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of permitting unlawful operation of viewing booths depicting sexual conduct, a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(ORC 2907.38)
   (a)   As used in this section:
      (1)   “Adult arcade” means any place to which the public is permitted or invited in which coin-operated, slug-operated, or electronically, electrically, or mechanically controlled still or motion picture machines, projectors, or other image-producing devices are regularly maintained to show images to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time, and in which the images so displayed are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis upon matter exhibiting or describing specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
      (2)   “Adult bookstore”, “adult novelty store”, or “adult video store”.
         A.   Means a commercial establishment that, for any form of consideration, has as a significant or substantial portion of its stock-in-trade in, derives a significant or substantial portion of its revenues from, devotes a significant or substantial portion of its interior business or advertising to, or maintains a substantial section of its sales or display space for the sale or rental of any of the following:
            1.   Books, magazines, periodicals, or other printed matter, or photographs, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, compact discs, slides, or other visual representations, that are characterized by their emphasis upon the exhibition or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas;
            2.   Instruments, devices, or paraphernalia that are designed for use or marketed primarily for stimulation of human genital organs or for sadomasochistic use or abuse of self or others.
         B.   Includes a commercial establishment as defined in Ohio R.C. 2907.38. An establishment may have other principal business purposes that do not involve the offering for sale, rental, or viewing of materials exhibiting or describing specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas and still be categorized as an adult bookstore, adult novelty store, or adult video store. The existence of other principal business purposes does not exempt an establishment from being categorized as an adult bookstore, adult novelty store, or adult video store so long as one of its principal business purposes is offering for sale or rental, for some form of consideration, such materials that exhibit or describe specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
      (3)   “Adult cabaret” means a nightclub, bar, juice bar, restaurant, bottle club, or similar commercial establishment, whether or not alcoholic beverages are served, that regularly features any of the following:
         A.   Persons who appear in a state of nudity or seminudity;
         B.   Live performances that are characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities;
         C.   Films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions that are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis upon the exhibition or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
      (4)   “Adult entertainment” means the sale, rental, or exhibition, for any form of consideration, of books, films, video cassettes, magazines, periodicals, or live performances that are characterized by an emphasis on the exposure or display of specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activity.
      (5)   “Adult entertainment establishment” means an adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult novelty store, adult video store, adult cabaret, adult motion picture theater, adult theater, nude or seminude model studio, or sexual encounter establishment. An establishment in which a medical practitioner, psychologist, psychiatrist, or similar professional person licensed by the state engages in medically approved and recognized therapy, including, but not limited to, massage therapy, as regulated pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4731.15, is not an “adult entertainment establishment”.
      (6)   “Adult motion picture theater” means a commercial establishment where films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or similar photographic reproductions that are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis upon the exhibition or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas are regularly shown for any form of consideration.
      (7)   “Adult theater” means a theater, concert hall, auditorium, or similar commercial establishment that, for any form of consideration, regularly features persons who appear in a state of nudity or seminudity or live performances that are characterized by their emphasis upon the exposure of specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities.
      (8)   “Distinguished or characterized by their emphasis upon” means the dominant or principal character and theme of the object described by this phrase. For instance, when the phrase refers to films “that are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis upon the exhibition or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas”, the films so described are those whose dominant or principal character and theme are the exhibition or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
      (9)   “Nude or seminude model studio” means any place where a person, who regularly appears in a state of nudity or seminudity, is provided for money or any other form of consideration to be observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed, or similarly depicted by other persons. A modeling class or studio is not a nude or seminude model studio and is not subject to this chapter if it is operated in any of the following ways:
         A.   By a college or university supported entirely or partly by taxation;
         B.   By a private college or university that maintains and operates educational programs, the credits for which are transferable to a college or university supported entirely or partly by taxation;
         C.   In a structure that has no sign visible from the exterior of the structure and no other advertising indicating that a person appearing in a state of nudity or seminudity is available for viewing, if in order to participate in a class in the structure, a student must enroll at least three days in advance of the class and if not more than one nude or seminude model is on the premises at any one time.
      (10)   “Nudity”, “nude”, or “state of nudity” means the showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area, vulva, anus, anal cleft, or cleavage with less than a fully opaque covering; or the showing of the female breasts with less than a fully opaque covering of any part of the nipple.
      (11)   “Regularly features” or “regularly shown” means a consistent or substantial course of conduct, such that the films or performances exhibited constitute a substantial portion of the films or performances offered as a part of the ongoing business of the adult entertainment establishment.
      (12)   “Seminude” or “state of seminudity” means a state of dress in which opaque clothing covers not more than the genitals, pubic region, and nipple of the female breast, as well as portions of the body covered by supporting straps or devices.
      (13)   “Sexual encounter establishment”.
         A.   Means a business or commercial establishment that, as one of its principal business purposes, offers for any form of consideration a place where either of the following occur:
            1.   Two or more persons may congregate, associate, or consort for the purpose of engaging in specified sexual activities.
            2.   Two or more persons appear nude or seminude for the purpose of displaying their nude or seminude bodies for their receipt of consideration or compensation in any type or form.
         B.   An establishment where a medical practitioner, psychologist, psychiatrist, or similar professional person licensed by the state engages in medically approved and recognized therapy, including, but not limited to, massage therapy, as regulated pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4731.15, is not a “sexual encounter establishment”.
      (14)   “Specified anatomical areas” means the cleft of the buttocks, anus, male or female genitals, or the female breast.
      (15)   “Specified sexual activity” means any of the following:
         A.   Sex acts, normal or perverted, or actual or simulated, including intercourse, oral copulation, masturbation, or sodomy;
         B.   Excretory functions as a part of or in connection with any of the activities described in division A. of this definition.
   (b)   No person knowingly shall allow an individual, including, but not limited to, a patron, customer, or employee, who is under 18 years of age on the premises of an adult entertainment establishment.
   (c)   No individual who is under 18 years of age knowingly shall show or give false information concerning the individual’s name or age, or other false identification, for the purpose of gaining entrance to an adult entertainment establishment.
   (d)   A person shall not be found guilty of a violation of division (b) of this section if the person raises as an affirmative defense and if the jury or, in a nonjury trial, the court finds the person has established by a preponderance of the evidence, all of the following:
      (1)   The individual gaining entrance to the adult entertainment establishment exhibited to an operator, employee, agent, or independent contractor of the adult entertainment establishment a driver’s or commercial driver’s license or an identification card issued under Ohio R.C. 4507.50 and 4507.52 showing that the individual was then at least 18 years of age.
      (2)   The operator, employee, agent, or independent contractor made a bona fide effort to ascertain the true age of the individual gaining entrance to the adult entertainment establishment by checking the identification presented, at the time of entrance, to ascertain that the description on the identification compared with the appearance of the individual and that the identification had not been altered in any way.
      (3)   The operator, employee, agent, or independent contractor had reason to believe that the individual gaining entrance to the adult entertainment establishment was at least 18 years of age.
   (e)   In any criminal action in which the affirmative defense described in division (d) of this section is raised, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles or the Deputy Registrar who issued a driver’s or commercial driver’s license or an identification card under Ohio R.C. 4507.50 and 4507.52 shall be permitted to submit certified copies of the records, in the Registrar’s or Deputy Registrar’s possession, of the issuance of the license or identification card in question, in lieu of the testimony of the personnel of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles in the action.
   (f)   (1)   Whoever violates division (b) of this section is guilty of permitting a juvenile on the premises of an adult entertainment establishment, a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each day a person violates this division constitutes a separate offense.
      (2)   Whoever violates division (c) of this section is guilty of use by a juvenile of false information to enter an adult entertainment establishment, a delinquent act that would be a misdemeanor of the fourth degree if committed by an adult.
(ORC 2907.39)