(a) The owner of every lot or parcel of land in the City upon which a tree, plant, grass or shrubbery stands or grows shall conform to the provisions of this division.
(1) The owner shall trim or cause to be trimmed the tree, plant or shrubbery so that a clear height of eight feet between the lowest branches of the same and the street or sidewalk is maintained.
(2) The owner shall trim or remove, as the case may require, every dead, decayed or broken tree, plant or shrubbery or part thereof, so that the same shall not fall to the street or sidewalk.
(3) The owner shall cut down and remove any tree, plant or shrubbery or any part thereof, as may be necessary to provide a clear and unobstructed view of traffic from all directions at any street intersection, or to abate any nuisance necessary to protect life, limb or property, of drivers of any vehicles or pedestrians.
(4) The owner shall not cause grass, leaves, trees, plants or shrubbery to fall into the street or onto the sidewalk.
(b) The owner, occupant or person having the charge or management of any lot or parcel of land situated within the City, whether the same is improved or unimproved, vacant or occupied, within five days written notice to do so, served upon him in conformity with Ohio R.C. 731.51, shall cut or destroy or cause to be cut or destroyed any noxious or poisonous weeds, vines or grass growing upon any such lot or parcel of land, and prevent the same from blooming, going to seed or exceeding a height of eight inches.
(c) Whenever any tree, plant or shrubbery, or part thereof, or weeds and grass are growing in any street, public place or upon private property contiguous to a street, sidewalk or public place, and are trimmed or removed by the Municipality then, after the work is done, the Municipality shall give five days notice, by regular mail, to the owner of the lot or parcel of land, at his last known address, to pay the cost of the trimming or removal of such vegetation, which notice shall be accompanied by a statement of the amount of cost incurred. In the event the same is not paid within thirty days after the mailing of the notice, then the amount shall be certified to the County Auditor for collection in the same manner as other taxes and assessments are collected. Such remedy shall be in addition to the penalty provided in division (d) of this section.
(Ord. 1341. Passed 10-15-56; Ord. 22-01. Passed 10-8-01; Ord. 24-04. Passed 11-22-04.)
(d) Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. The penalty shall be as provided in Section 698.02.