   412.03   PLAY STREETS.
   Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating that any street or part thereof is a play street, no person shall drive a vehicle upon any such street or portion thereof, except drivers of vehicles having business or whose residences are within such closed area, and then such drivers shall exercise the greatest care in driving upon any such street or portion thereof.
(Ord. 1341. Passed 10-15-56.)
   No person riding upon any coaster, roller skates, sled, toy vehicle or other similar device shall go upon any roadway except while crossing a street on a crosswalk and when so crossing such person shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to pedestrians. This section shall not apply to any street set aside as a play street.
   No person shall parade upon any street or block off any street without having obtained a permit from the Mayor. The permit shall designate the streets over which the parade shall be permitted or the street area to be blocked off. The permit shall be issued without cost.
(Ord. 1341. Passed 10-15-56.)
   412.06   SKATEBOARDS.
   (a)   No person shall ride a skateboard upon a sidewalk within the business district on Market Street from Martin Street to Garfield Avenue.
   (b)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 408.01
(Ord. 2504. Passed 8-8-88.)
   412.99   PENALTY.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Sections 408.01 and 408.02 for general Traffic Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.)