(a) Chairperson. The Manager or his or her designee shall serve as the Chairperson of the Records Commission or, at the request of the Manager, a Chairperson shall be elected from the Commission.
(b) Secretary. The Commission shall appoint a Secretary who may or may not be a member of the Commission and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission. The Secretary shall serve in the capacity of City Records Administrator and shall maintain a permanent file of all schedules of records retention, applications for one-time disposal and certificates of records disposal of all Municipal offices. The Secretary shall also prepare forms and carry out such other duties as directed by the Commission.
(c) Rules. The Commission shall establish rules of procedure for the operation of the Commission, including meeting dates, which shall be at least every six months.
(Ord. 5-95. Passed 2-27-95.)
The purpose of the Records Commission shall be to establish rules, regulations and procedures for the retention and disposal of all City records and archives, as defined in Section 286.01, and, where applicable, in compliance with the Charter of the City and the laws of the State.
(Ord. 5-95. Passed 2-27-95.)