(a)   The Finance Director is hereby authorized to establish an account known as the Indigent Drivers Alcohol Treatment Account. (Adopting Ordinance)
   (b)   All revenue that the Ohio State General Assembly appropriates for the City for this Account, and all portions of fees that are paid under Ohio R.C. 4511.19(J) to the City for this Account, and all portions of fines imposed under Ohio R.C. 4511.99(A)(1), by court for this Account, shall be deposited into this Account.
   (c)   Expenditures from this Account shall be made only upon order of a county court judge or municipal court judge and only for payment of the cost of the attendance at an alcohol and drug addiction treatment program of a person who is convicted of a violation of Ohio R.C. 4511.19, or Section 434.01 of the Traffic Code, who is ordered by the court to attend the alcohol and drug addiction treatment program and who is determined by the court to be unable to pay the cost of his or her attendance at the treatment program. The Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services, established pursuant to Ohio R.C. 340.02, serving the alcohol, drug addiction and mental health service district in which the court is located, shall administer the indigent drivers alcohol treatment program of the court. When a court orders an offender to attend an alcohol and drug addiction treatment program, the Board shall determine which program is suitable to meet the needs of the offender, and when a suitable program is located and space is available at the program designated by the Board, a reasonable amount, not to exceed five percent of the amounts credited to and deposited into the Indigent Drivers Alcohol Treatment Account of every court whose program is administered by that Board, shall be paid to the Board to cover the costs it incurs in administering the indigent drivers alcohol treatment programs of the courts located in its district.
(Ord. 2628. Passed 8-13-90.)