§ 27-818. Gas Wells.
   1.   Application Requirements.
      1.   The applicant shall submit evidence that all required materials have been submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection.
      2.   The applicant shall submit a statement of understanding concerning the standards of this Section and the applicant’s plan for compliance, namely in regards to the use of compression on the site.
      3.   The applicant shall submit cross sections of the proposed access where it meets municipal streets.
      4.   The applicant shall submit site distance measurements for the access, whether proposed or existing.
      5.   The applicant shall submit a plan showing the access route (of municipal or State roads) over which heavy equipment will travel to the site.
   2.   The preceding items one through five, along with the required fee, shall constitute the minimum required to consider the request for conditional use complete.
   3.   The applicant shall meet all current minimum driveway site distance standards and shall demonstrate that the point of access to any municipal street will not cause the erosion of mud or debris onto said street.
   4.   Bonding of all local roads within the Borough shall be a condition precedent to the commencement of operations on the site.
   5.   Noise limits shall, to the furthest extent practical in terms of well drilling, and in terms of compressor use, both short and long term, comply with the performance standards outlined under § 27-401.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-818)