§ 27-401. Use Performance Standards.
   1.   The Borough desires to permit an adequate range of residential and economic opportunities, public uses, and services while integrating a range of uses that protects the public health, safety, and welfare of the community as well as the traditional character of the Borough. The following standards shall constitute uniform performance standards for all uses within the Borough and shall further define the character of the use. Any use, which cannot demonstrate compliance with the following performance standards, shall not be deemed as an authorized use:
      1.   No use shall, as part of its production process, emit any hazardous materials in any manner.
      2.   Storage of hazardous materials shall be within a principle structure.
      3.   Storage of hazardous waste shall be within a principle building and shall not constitute a principle use; whereby said storage shall be temporary, being permanently disposed of offsite.
      4.   No use shall be noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, dust, fumes, smoke, gas, vibration or noise detectable at the property line as to constitute a nuisance or otherwise conflict with any municipal ordinance.
      5.   No establishment, excepting municipal and school district activities, as part of its regular operations, shall exceed the noise levels as measured at the property lines of the parcel upon which the establishment is operated in the following manners:
         A.   The sound level at any one point in time exceeds 90 decibels.
         B.   The sound exceeds any of the established limits in Item C by a measured sound level of 10 dB(A) for a cumulative total of one minute or more out of any ten-minute period.
         C.   The sound exceeds any 75 decibels continually for a period of five minutes, or a total of five minutes out of any ten minutes.
      D.   Where stricter noise standards are adopted by local ordinance, the stricter shall prevail.
      6.   On-site display of products associated with an authorized establishment shall be limited to impervious areas improved as sidewalks or paved as parking lots pursuant to the construction standards of the Borough. Said areas specifically designated or intended for the use of such displays shall not exceed 15% of the gross floor area of the associated establishment. Storage or display of merchandise accessory to or as part of the principal use of a retail establishment shall be limited to the gross floor area occupied by the principal establishment and shall be housed within a fence of at least six feet in height.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-401)