§ 27-817. Mineral Removal or Mining.
   1.   A copy of all site plan information that will be required by the State DEP shall also be submitted as part of the zoning application.
   2.   A detailed and appropriate land reclamation and reuse plan of the area to be excavated shall be submitted to the Zoning Officer.
   3.   After areas are used for mineral extraction, those areas shall be reclaimed in phases to a nonhazardous and environmentally sound state permitting some productive or beneficial future use.
   4.   A 75-foot-wide yard covered by natural vegetative ground cover (except at approved driveway crossings) shall be required along all exterior lot lines that are within 250 feet of an area of excavation. This yard shall include an earth berm with a minimum average height of six feet and an average of one high level planting for each 50 feet of distance along the lot lines.
   5.   The area of excavation shall be set back from the exterior property lines of the parcel or parcels involved by a minimum of 100 feet, including 100 feet from any street.
   6.   Reasonable standards encouraging compliance with § 27-401, “[Use] Performance Standards,” shall be imposed, including but not limited to hours of operation and points of primary access.
   7.   Bonding of all local roads within the Borough shall be a condition precedent to the commencement of operations on the site.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-817)