§ 27-810. Large Scale Industrial, Warehouse, and Service Uses.
   1.   The use shall be conducted on a minimum three-acre lot or parcel.
   2.   Principal structures shall be setback a minimum of 200 feet from side and rear property lines.
   3.   Any storage or display of materials within 100 feet of any property line or in front of the principal structure shall be screened by an opaque fence such that the materials stored are not visible more than five feet above said fence. Said fences shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any property line and shall be classified as a principal structure subject to those requirements as specified in § 27-907, “Landscaping and Buffering.”
   4.   The use shall meet all performance standards applicable including, but not limited to, noise, lighting, and parking.
   5.   No parking of construction equipment, commercial vehicles, loading, or storage of materials shall be conducted in the front yard of the facility.
(Ord. 935, 5/10/2018, §27-810)