1. The Office of Borough Manager for the Borough of East McKeesport has been created pursuant to this section.
2. Council, in the enactment of this section, may delegate, subject to recall, any of the non-legislative and non-judicial powers and duties of the Council to the Borough Manager. The Mayor, subject to approval of Borough Council, may delegate to the Borough Manager any of his or her non-legislative and non-judicial powers and duties.
3. The Office of Borough Manager, Secretary, and Treasurer shall not be incompatible and any two or more or all of the said offices may be held by one person. Neither the Mayor nor any member of Borough Council shall be eligible to hold the office of Borough Manager.
4. Borough Manager is delegated the responsibility for taking care of day-to-day business of the Borough of East McKeesport.
5. The following list of responsibilities is delegated to the Borough Manager for the Borough of East McKeesport:
A. Preparing short-term and long-term objectives for recommendations to Council;
B. Preparing plans and programs to attain objectives approved by Council;
C. Determining project priorities to meet objectives approved by Council;
D. Attending meetings of boards and commissions;
E. Investigating and presenting recommendations to Council concerning state and federal grant programs;
F. Preparing report to other governmental units;
G. Attending and participating at state conventions and professional association meetings;
H. Maintaining professional affiliations and keeping abreast of new developments in the field;
I. Reviewing budget performance of all departments;
J. Preparing monthly reports on all activities, including construction projects and costs and equipment purchases, for submission to Council;
K. Preparing recommendations, background information and cost estimates for monthly council meetings;
L. Attending and participating in all municipal meetings;
M. Programming all major expenditures from cash flow viewpoint;
N. Assisting in preparing the annual report and budget;
O. Preparing, recommending and implementing a capital improvements program;
P. Meeting with land developers, business developers and groups involved in economic developments;
Q. Preparing and/or approving news releases;
R. Maintaining public relations contacts with residents;
S. Delegating responsibility and authority of performance of assigned functions to Code Enforcement and Public Works Departments;
T. Developing and updating a training plan for municipal employees;
U. Preparing and implementing a preventive maintenance program for Borough equipment;
V. Developing and administering municipal personnel policies, procedures and programs;
W. Reviewing applications or prospective employees, interviewing and hiring, and when necessary, firing or laying off employees;
X. Preparing and/or approving specifications for purchase of major equipment;
Y. Directing and supervising the daily work of the administrative staff;
Z. Coordinating activities of all municipal departments;
AA. Ordering or approving purchases as needed;
BB. Such other duties and responsibilities as delegated by Borough Council.
(Ord. 929, 9/10/2015)