   (A)   Pursuant to the §§ 51.01 through 51.14, the following regulations are enacted by the Board of Selectmen, to become effective on publication.
   (B)   The following materials are designated as recyclable materials, which shall be separated from solid waste and shall be set out for collection or delivered to a collection point as provided by the these regulations:
      (1)   Cardboard;
      (2)   Glass food and beverage containers;
      (3)   Leaves and other yard waste;
      (4)   Metal food and beverage containers;
      (5)   Newspaper and magazines;
      (6)   Office paper;
      (7)   Scrap metal;
      (8)   Storage batteries; and
      (9)   Waste oil.
   (B)   The above terms shall have the meanings given them in the Connecticut Regulations of State Agencies, § 22a-241b-1.
(Ord. passed 12-8-1990)
Editor’s note:
   TM Volume 17, page 396
   Pursuant to the authority granted to the Board of Selectmen, the following schedule of fees for the disposal of waste at the town landfill is established, to become effective upon publication.
Asphalt and non-reinforced concrete, per 100 lbs.
Automobile and light truck tires (each)
$40.00 portion, applied as follows:
   For each 20 pound multiple or portion thereof as defined by the town’s weighing system
Demolition material including waste from remodeling and construction projects and sites, and all oversize household items and tree stumps
$110 per ton applied as follows:
   Minimum charge
   Per each 20 pound multiple or portion thereof as determined by the town’s weighing system
Heavy truck tires (each)
Refrigeration appliances containing CFCs (non-commercial only)
$10 each
Tires from earth-moving equipment (each)
(Ord. passed 11-21-1988; Ord. passed 10-5-1994; Ord. passed 11-16-1994; Ord. passed 10-6-1995; Ord. passed 1-17-1996; Ord. passed 4-9-2001; Ord. passed 2-23-2003; Ord. passed 3-23-2003)
Editor’s note:
   TM Volume 16, page 265; TM Volume 20, page 237 (#3); TM Volume 20, page 239 (#7); TM Volume 20, page 240 (#8); TM Volume 21, page 101 (#9); TM Volume 21, page 157; TM Volume 22, page 79; TM Volume 22, page 248; TM Volume 22, page 261
   Pursuant to the authority granted to the Board of Selectmen, the following registration fee for refuse collectors is established: $75 per year.
(Ord. passed 11-21-1988)
Editor’s note:
   TM Volume 16, page 266
§ 51.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter, for which no other penalty is provided, shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 10.99.
   (B)   Any generator of refuse who violates the terms of §§ 51.01 through 51.16 shall be fined not more than $100 for each offense, in addition to any other penalty imposable hereunder. Refuse placed out for collection not in accordance with §§ 51.01 through 51.16 and regulations adopted pursuant thereto may not be collected in the discretion of the Director or the Board of Selectmen.
   (C)   Any refuse collector who collects refuse in the town without the license required by § 51.09, or who knowingly mixes refuse with recyclable materials, or who otherwise violates §§ 51.01 through 51.16 or any regulation or directive issued by the Board of Selectmen or the Director pursuant to §§ 51.01 through 51.16 or any such regulation, shall be fined not more than $100 for each such offense.
   (D)   Each violation shall be a separate and distinct offense and, in the case of a continuing violation, each day’s continuance thereof shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct offense. In addition, the Director is authorized to apply to a Judge of the Superior Court for a temporary and permanent injunction against a continuing or repeated violation of §§ 51.01 through 51.16.
   (E)   In addition to any other penalty, the town shall have the right to bring a civil action to recover any amounts due to the town from any refuse collector for violation of §§ 51.01 through 51.16 or any regulation or directive issued by the Board of Selectmen or the Director pursuant to §§ 51.01 through 51.16 or any such regulation, or for amounts due from any refuse collector who purchased from the town the right to dispose of refuse or who took an assignment of any such right, together with interest and attorney’s fees as permitted by law.
(Ord. passed 11-7-1974; Ord. passed 9-21-1975; Ord. effective 8-15-1995; Ord. passed 2-22-1996; Ord. effective 10-15-1997; Ord. passed 3-1-1998; Ord. passed 9-7-2022)
Editor’s note:
   TM Volume 12, page 44; TM Volume 12, page 142
   TM Volume 21, page 44; TM Volume 21, page 197; TM Volume 21, page 425; TM Volume 21, page 485