781.01 Definitions.
781.02 Ambulance license required.
781.03 Ambulance license application; fee.
781.04 Operation and license standards; inspection.
781.05 Equipment.
781.06 Liability insurance.
781.07 Duties of license officer.
781.08 Required equipment; authority.
781.09 Driver's license application; fee.
781.10 Standards for drivers, attendants and attendant-drivers license.
781.11 Renewal of license.
781.12 Revocation of license.
781.13 Reports.
781.14 Minimum wage laws.
781.15 Obedience to traffic laws, ordinances and regulations.
781.16 Nondiscrimination.
781.99 Penalty.
Joint ambulance district - see Ohio R.C. 505.71 et seq.