(a)   In addition to other authorized leaves, a department head may authorize an employee to be absent without pay for personal reasons for a period or periods not to exceed ten working days in any calendar year.
   (b)   The Mayor, with the approval of Council, may authorize special leaves of absence with or without pay for any period or periods not to exceed three calendar months in any one calendar year, for the following purposes: attendance at a college, university or business school for the purpose of training in subjects related to the work of the employee and which will benefit the employee and the City service; urgent personal business requiring the employee's attention for an extended period, such as settling estates, liquidating a business, serving on a jury and attending court as a witness; and for other purposes that are deemed beneficial to the City service.
   (c)   Council upon the recommendation of a department head, may grant leaves of absence, with or without pay, in excess of the limitations herein, for the purpose of attending extended courses of training at a recognized university or college and for other purposes that are deemed beneficial to the City service.
(Ord. 1987-051. Passed 3-24-87.)