During the month of January, 2010, and at least every ten (10) years thereafter, Council shall establish a Charter Review Commission charged with the review and suggested revisions, if necessary, of the City of Eastlake Charter. This Commission shall consist of seven (7) qualified electors residing in the City of Eastlake. The Commission will include two (2) members who shall be appointed by the Mayor, two (2) members who will be appointed by the President of Council, one (1) member of Council who will be appointed by the President of Council and two (2) members who will be appointed by Council-as-a-Whole.
   The appointed terms will be for a period of one calendar year and will not be compensated. A report generated by this Commission will be issued to Council prior to the conclusion of the terms of appointment. All records, reports and minutes shall be forwarded with the final report and shall be retained by the Council office.
(Added November 7, 2000)