(a) Exterior Building Maintenance.
(1) The exterior of every building and structure shall be maintained in good repair. Any repairs shall be performed with materials identical or compatible with the architectural style and materials of the building, to the end that the appearance shall be uniform and attractive.
(2) The exterior of every building and structure shall be free of obsolete hardware and fixtures. Any holes or marks which remain after the removal of such obsolete hardware and fixtures shall be repaired in accordance with good practice in the trade.
(3) The exterior of every building and structure shall be free from peeling paint and incompatible colors. Any exterior painted surfaces which are altered by repairs or structural alterations shall be immediately repainted in a manner identical or compatible with the surrounding surfaces.
(4) Exterior windows, whether transparent, translucent or opaque shall be kept in good repair and clean and free of marks, cracks, breaks, soap, wax and foreign substances.
(5) Exterior windows and doors shall be in good repair and secured in a tight fitting and weatherproof manner and have sashes of compatible size and design. Sashes shall be free from rotted wood, broken joints or deteriorated mullions.
(6) No exterior windows shall be permanently removed or enclosed, covered or boarded up, unless treated as an integral part of the facade using materials and window detailing compatible with the building facade and style in general. Any such action shall be approved in advance by the Architectural Review Board.
(7) The exterior of all buildings and structures shall be free from all posters, handbills and graffiti.
(8) Exterior awnings, marquees and any other surfaces shall be maintained in good repair and free of discoloration, uneven soiling, ripping, tearing, deterioration or obsolete signage.
(9) Exterior painting scaffolds or other temporary equipment used for construction, repair or maintenance shall be maintained in good repair and shall be removed when the project is suspended for fourteen days or more and immediately upon completion of the project.
(b) Roofs.
(1) Roofs shall be maintained in good repair and free of trash, debris and any other materials which are not a permanent part of the building or a functional element. Roofs shall be compatible with surrounding roofs in architectural style and color.
(2) Any new mechanical equipment placed on a roof shall be located so as to be screened from public view at street level and from adjoining properties. Screening materials shall be compatible with the exterior of the building. Any such equipment and screening shall be approved in advance by the Architectural Review Board.
(3) Any false roof, mansard or like roof element or other auxiliary structure on the roof shall be maintained in good repair and finished in a manner compatible with the exterior of the building.
(c) Interior of Buildings.
(1) Interior areas of buildings which are visible from the exterior of the building shall be maintained in good repair and in broom-clean condition and free of all debris and litter, obsolete signs, hardware, equipment and graphics, and any other deteriorated or obsolete conditions.
(2) No storage of materials, stocks or inventory shall be permitted in window display areas except when necessary in the course of changing displays. All screening of interiors as back drops to window displays shall be maintained in good repair in a clean and attractive manner. No materials may be affixed to any window for the purpose of any screening. Any permanent screening backdrop or display graphics other than merchandise shall be placed in the area inside the building between the front window and a line parallel to that window and located six feet back of the entrance and shall be approved in advance by the Architectural Review Board.
(Ord. 1991-075. Passed 3-26-91.)