Electronic moving message/digital display signs that exceed eight feet (8') in height from the natural grade shall be permitted only at the immediate vicinity of limited access highway interchanges, entrances and exits.
   For the purpose of determining reasonable and proper dimensions and locations, the Architectural Review Board, the Planning Commission and the Chief Building Official shall consider the following:
   (a)   A standard and generally accepted sign advertising a hotel, restaurant service or colleges/universities which is of a standard design and dimension in other areas and sections of the country;
   (b)   The prevailing average height and style utilized in other limited access highway interchange areas outside of the City; however, the height of such sign shall not exceed eighty-five feet (85') above the natural grade.
   (c)   A certification from a structural engineer licensed by the State and properly qualified, certifying to the ability and design of the structure according to accepted engineering practices and to the current adopted Ohio Building Code, current adopted Ohio Fire Code and current adopted National Electrical Code to withstand the natural or other forces to which such sign or structure may be expected to be subjected.
   (d)   Such sign shall be approved by both the Architectural Review Board and the Planning Commission prior to the building permit being issued.
   (e)   All signs shall be designed to have a surface of facing materials which are durable for the intended life of the sign.
   (f)   The frequency shall not be more frequent than once every fifteen (15) seconds. There   shall be a three (3) second pause in which a still image or blank screen is shown following each image or display of message.
   (g)   The image or illuminated sign or portion thereof, that exhibits changing light or color effect by any means shall not change the light intensity in sudden transitory bursts and/or create an illusion of intermittent flashing light by streaming, graphic bursts showing movement or any mode of lighting which resembles zooming, twinkling, sparkling, spinning, rotating, or video imagery that has the capability of processing up to thirty (30) frames per second.
   (h)   The applicant shall provide a photometric plan outlining the proposed illumination levels (in foot-candles). The illuminating levels shall not exceed one (1) foot-candle as measured from adjacent rights-of-way and residential districts and uses.
   (i)   There shall be only one Electronic Moving/Digital Display Sign permitted per unified site.
   (j)   Maintenance. At no time shall the total face illumination area fall below ninety-eight percent (98%).
      (Ord. 2011-020. Passed 2-22-11.)