Hotels/restaurants and colleges/universities in the immediate vicinity of limited access
highway interchanges, entrances and exits, may be allowed signs constructed to dimensions which are reasonable and proper taking into consideration the necessity of giving notice to users of the high-speed highways of the existence of services and facilities off such highways and taking into further consideration the necessity of having notice of these services conveyed to users of the limited access highways without unduly impeding the ordinary flow of traffic thereon. For the purpose of determining reasonable and proper dimensions and locations, the Chief Building Official shall consider the following:
   (a)   A standard and generally accepted sign advertising a hotel or restaurant   service or college/university which is of a standard design and dimension in other areas and sections of the Country;
   (b)   The prevailing average height and style utilized in other limited access highway interchange areas outside the City;
   (c)   An opinion, or certification from a structural engineer licensed by the State and property qualified, certifying to the ability of the structure to withstand the natural or other forces to which such sign or structure may be expected to be subjected.
      (Ord. 2011-019. Passed 2-22-11.)