(a)   Business and LS-DD Signs. Permanent signs which may be illuminated, limited to advertising the company, shall be permitted on the premises only, if conforming to the following regulations.
   Industrial District. Permanent signs limited to advertising the company and information regarding help wanted, shall be permitted on the premises only, if conforming to the following regulations.   (Ord. 2001-052. Passed 6-12-01.)
      (1)   Maximum area and location. The maximum area of all permanent advertising signs of any single business enterprise or single manufacturing enterprise shall not exceed two square feet of sign area for each lineal foot of front wall of the building or part thereof occupied by the business or manufacturing enterprise. For the purposes of these regulations, "front wall" means the one wall which faces most nearly parallel to the street line or the one wall with the main building entrance facing the parking area. The allowable sign area may be located on any building wall facing a street or parking area or on any wall with a public entrance provided the total area of signs on any wall that is not the front wall shall not exceed one square foot for each lineal foot of such secondary wall length. Wall signs affixed to or displayed on the face of the building shall not project above the roof of a building greater than four feet or forty-eight inches on the front wall of the building only.
      (2)   Additional wall signs. One additional wall sign complying with the provisions for such signs in paragraph (1) hereof for each single business enterprise located on a second floor only or higher providing the sign area does not exceed two percent (2%) of the floor area occupied by the business, or a maximum of fifty square feet.
      (3)   "Sale", "rental" or "lease" signs. One sign, not exceeding forty square feet per sign face, in the business enterprise district, and not exceeding 150 square feet in the manufacturing enterprise district advertising only the sale, rental or lease of a lot, building or portion thereof and located not closer to any lot line than one-half of the required building setback distance from that line. The sign must be taken down within thirty days after the sale or lease occurs.
      (4)   Identification signs. One identification wall sign not exceeding two square feet in area for each door or entryway to any building.
      (5)   Temporary signs. Temporary signs shall be permitted as inside displays providing any sign attached to or marked on the windowpane or located within eighteen inches of the inside window surface, does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the windowpane area. Exterior temporary signs shall be permitted as approved by the Chief Building Official. Such exterior temporary signs may only encroach upon the public right-of-way provided an unobstructed walkway is reserved for public passage. Such signs shall not exceed three feet in height and two feet in width and shall not contain moving or flashing aspects or images. Any exterior temporary sign that creates a hazard to or obstructs pedestrian or vehicular traffic or line of sight, interferes with neighboring business, or creates a public safety, fire or police hazard shall be immediately removed.
(Ord. 1997-173. Passed 12-16-97; Ord. 2019-029. Passed 3-26-19.)
      (6)   Multi-tenant signs. In multi-tenant business enterprise or manufacturing enterprise, it is the owner's responsibility to inform all of its tenants of what signs, if any, are permitted under City ordinances. The owner shall identify for the tenant what signs, whether they are wall, planter or free-standing can be authorized under City ordinances and will be used for the identification of the tenant.
         In a four story or greater multi-tenant facility, a single business or single enterprise occupying greater than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total available square footage of the facility may be allowed additional wall signs as allowed in this section. Only one business or enterprise per building shall erect no more than two signs per building.
         Permitted signs and installations must comply with all state and local building codes. (Ord. 2003-129. Passed 10-14-03.)
   (b)   Free-Standing Signs.
      (1)   In addition to wall signs, one free-standing sign for each business enterprise or manufacturing enterprise shall be permitted on the enterprise premises only, provided that the enterprise premises was not the result of a lot split, provided the enterprise premises (exclusive of jointly used or shared portions such as parking lots, malls, easements, common use lobbies, halls and any other type of area not under single exclusive occupancy), has a projected street frontage of not less than fifty feet. Such sign may not exceed thirty square feet per face and shall be limited to eight feet in height and set back from the dedicated right of way not less than one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the sign height and with five-foot side line set back. A sign under this section cannot be any closer than five feet from the edge of any right of way.
      (2)   Furthermore, a sign that is not closer than 100 feet to the right of way with the same five feet of side line requirement may contain up to 100 square feet and may be thirty-five feet in height from the established grade level of the nearest adjacent paved public street.
      (3)   In the case of jointly used or shared premises in which one or more business enterprises and/or one or more manufacturing enterprises occupy land under a single ownership and do not have the land and building area referred to in paragraph (4) hereof, the owner of the premises is permitted no more than one freestanding sign for the premises as a whole. The sign may carry the trade name or other designation of the entire premises in addition to the enterprises located thereon. But in the event that a tenant or occupant already has a free-standing sign on the premises, no additional free-standing sign shall be permitted. Such a free-standing sign must be on the premises and not closer than five feet to a side line nor closer than twenty-five feet to the front or right-of-way line. Such a sign shall not exceed thirty square feet per face and shall be limited to eight feet in height.
      (4)   In the case of jointly used or shared premises as earlier defined and also in the case of premises having a single occupancy and a conforming business enterprise or manufacturing enterprise, when such jointly used or shared premises or such single occupancy premises have a minimum of 50,000 square feet of land area, excluding buildings, and with 25,000 square feet of building floor area, the owner is permitted to have four square feet of additional sign area per face and four inches of additional height for each 25,000 square feet of open land area and each 12,500 square feet of floor area above the respective minimums. The maximum size of such a sign shall be 700 square feet per sign face and the maximum height allowed forty-five feet. In no case shall any sign setback be less than 125 percent (125%) of the sign's height as the setback is measured from the nearest dedicated right of way.
      (5)   Provided that the owners of two or more immediately adjacent and contiguous premises may be granted a special conditional sign permit that will allow one free-standing sign of a size calculated according to the formula set forth hereinabove for premises containing more than 50,000 square feet of land area exclusive of building and 25,000 square feet of building area. The owners of any property or business that is the result of a lot split may not be granted any additional signage caused by said lot split.
      (6)   The combined land and building areas of any such owners may be considered a single premises under sole ownership for the purpose of calculating the sign dimensions provided the owners have executed and filed with the City a joint application in a form satisfactory to the City requesting the benefits of this section, but does not constitute any additional signage.
      (7)   A special conditional sign permit shall be issued provided that no other free-standing signs exist on the combined premises at the time of application and the life of such permit shall be conditioned upon and continue only so long as the following circumstances exist:
         A.   That the combined premises not be decreased in area of land or buildings.
         B.   That the sign violates no local, State or federal law, rule or regulation.
         C.   That there be no change in the ownership of the premises involved unless all new owners within thirty days after acquiring title execute and file with the City a supplemental application in satisfactory form requesting a continuance of the original permit issued to the previous owner.
         D.   That no other free-standing sign be erected on the combined premises.
      (8)   In the event of a violation of any of the above conditions, such permit shall be void and any sign erected under such permit shall be forthwith removed, any provision under nonconforming use or other provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding.
      (9)   All proposed signs must have detailed design plans and specifications submitted to the Building Department for approval and permit with sufficient data to determine the structural soundness of the design, and the design must be in accord with building codes as adopted by the City.
      (10)   The lowest horizontal projecting feature of any free-standing sign shall be eight feet maximum above the established grade level.
         (Ord. 1997-173. Passed 12-16-97.)
      (11)   A community sign. A community sign on City-owned or leased property, approved by the Chief Building Official in accordance with the engineering design guidelines, shall have a maximum of 700 square feet and shall be exempt from all other restrictions that advertise for the community interest.
         The erection of the sign must comply with all safety provisions required for location, as example: shall not be placed to obstruct traffic view or any similar obstruction for the safety, health and welfare for the City of Eastlake.
         Height requirements: Height requirements shall be determined by the Chief Building Official and approved by the Safety Director. The maximum height may be restricted and required to be approved by the City of Eastlake’s Planning Commission, as ordered by the Chief Building Official. (Ord. 2002-015. Passed 2-12-02.)
   (c)   Permitted Signs. No permanent sign shall be permitted in any industrial enterprise district except for the purpose of identifying the occupant or describing or advertising the goods, services or products sold or rendered by the owner or occupant of the premises on which the same are located. Any such permitted sign shall not be less than thirty feet from the public right-of-way line. (Ord. 1997-173. Passed 12-16-97.)