(a)   M-1 District (Industrial Park District).
      (1)   Permitted main buildings and uses.
         Basic and applied research laboratories.
         Experimental or testing laboratories.
         Industrial and manufacturing establishments which conform to the regulations enumerated in other sections of this chapter.
         Public utilities, water and gas mains and conduits, telephone,
            telegraph, electric light and power lines, if carrying less than 5,000 volts are permitted on public highways or easements along lot lines of a subdivision.
         Similar uses.
      (2)   Permitted accessory buildings and uses.
         Garage for the storage of motor vehicles.
         Sufficient parking area shall be provided for employees and
            visitors according to the provisions of this Zoning Code.
         Restaurant or cafeteria if operated in conjunction with any of
            the enumerated main uses.
         Office facilities, which may include a secretarial or stenographic
            "pool" for the benefit of all the main uses permitted in any Industrial Park District.
         Other buildings or uses necessary for the carrying out of
            permissible purposes in an Industrial Park District.
      (3)   Conditional uses.
         Public service facilities such as power lines carrying more than
            5,000 volts, water and gas mains if not on public highways and railroad tracks and yards, shall not be erected, altered, repaired or used unless the location is found to be not detrimental to residential developments or will not interfere with the layout of future subdivisions, and a conditional use permit is obtained.
         Must be in compliance with Chapter 1161.
   (b)   M-2 District (Limited Industrial District).
      (1)   Permitted main buildings and uses.
         All agricultural uses.
         Commercial laundries, dry cleaning and dyeing processing plants.
         Ice stations and manufacturing plants.
         Printing shops.
         Experimental and research laboratories.
         Radio and television stations.
         Telephone exchange.
         Transformer stations.
         Veterinary hospitals and kennels.
         Business offices and services of all types.
         Outdoor theaters, amusement parks, bowling alleys, or any other
            amusement, sport or recreational enterprises that do not qualify with General Business District requirements.
         Additional business services and semi-industrial buildings
            and uses as follows:
            Wholesale trade establishments.
            Warehouse for storage and distribution except flammable
               and explosive materials.
            Cold storage plants.
            Bottling works.
            Lumber yards.
            Woodworking shops.
            Monument works.
            Blacksmith shops.
            Garages engaged in body repair and paint spray operations.
            Machine shops and other light manufacturing or industrial
               enterprises, operations or processes of a character, extent and hazard similar to those specified above, provided that all resulting cinders, dust, fumes, gases, water-carried waste, odors, refuse matter, smoke, and vapor are effectively confined to the premises or disposed of in a manner which will not create a nuisance, and provided further that noise and vibrations are effectively controlled.
            Public service facilities.
            Similar uses.
      (2)   Permitted accessory buildings or uses.
         Those customarily incident to any of the above uses and accessory
            buildings when located on the same premises.
      (3)   Conditional uses.
         Must be in compliance with Chapter 1161.
         (Ord. 1996-216. Passed 10-8-96.)
   (c)   M-3 (General Industrial District)
      (1)   Permitted uses.
         Commercial laundries, dry cleaning and dyeing processing plants.
         Ice stations and manufacturing plants.
         Printing shops.
         Experimental and research laboratories.
         Radio and television stations
         Telephone exchanges.
         Transformer stations.
         Additional business, services, and semi-industrial buildings and
            uses as follows:
            Wholesale trade establishments.
            Warehouses incidental to the main use for storage and
            Cold storage plants.
            Bottling works.
            Lumber yards.
            Woodworking shops.
            Monument works.
            Garages engaged in body repair and paid spray operations.
                         Machine shops and other light manufacturing or industrial enterprises.
                          operating or processing of a character, extent and hazard similar to those specified above, provided that all resulting cinders, dust, fumes, gases, water-carried waste, odors, refuse matter, smoke and vapor are effectively confined to the premises or disposed of in a manner which will not create a nuisance, and provided further that noise and vibrations are effectively controlled.
                         Secondhand lumber yards and open yards establishments where such
            uses are located not less than sixty feet from any public thoroughfare, public land or residential district, and if all operations and materials are screened on all sides with a fence at least ten feet high and if approved by the Planning Commission.
                          Public service facilities.
    Similar uses.
                Business offices and services of all types.
         (Ord. 2011-0008. Passed 1-25-11.)
      (2)   Permitted accessory buildings and uses.
         Any use customarily incident to any of the permitted main uses.
      (3)   Conditional uses. Storage and distribution of flammable gases may be permitted with a conditional use permit in accordance with Section 1161.04, building plans drawn by a State registered architect or engineer shall be required.
         Must be in compliance with Chapter 1161.
         (Ord. 2008-040. Passed 5-27-08.)