(a)   Master Thoroughfare Plan. Streets shall conform substantially to the Master Thoroughfare Plan. Whenever a tract to be subdivided includes any part of a thoroughfare as shown on the adopted plan, such part shall be dedicated for street purposes by the subdivider.
   (b)   Continuation of Existing Streets. Proposed streets shall provide for the continuation, connection or projection of streets in surrounding areas, or conform to the plan for the neighborhood as approved or adopted by the Planning Commission.
   (c)   Circulation. The street pattern shall provide ease of circulation within the subdivision but the minor streets therein shall be so laid out as to discourage through traffic. Insofar as practical, the street arrangement should also provide proper access to schools, playgrounds, transportation and other community features.
   (d)   Street Intersections. Street intersections shall be as near to right angles as possible and no street shall intersect any other street at less than sixty degrees.
   (e)   Dead-end Streets. Dead-end or cul-de-sac streets, designed to be so permanently, shall not be longer than 600 feet and shall be provided with a permanent turn-around at the terminal end. Whenever a street over 150 feet in length is to be temporarily dead-ended, an interim turnaround is required.
   (f)   Half Streets. Half streets are prohibited. Whenever a half street is adjacent to a tract to be subdivided, the other half of the street shall be platted within such tract.
   (g)   Street Jogs. Street jogs shall be avoided whenever possible; however, where permitted, those over ten feet shall be at least 125 feet apart as measured along the centerline off-sets.
   (h)   Topographical and Cultural Features. In sloping terrain, streets shall generally run parallel to the contour of the land or cross at slight angles therewith to avoid steep street grades and the concentration of storm surface runoff. Appropriate treatment shall be given toward the preservation of existing views, wooded areas, creeks and other attractive natural features of the plat.
   (i)   Alleys; Service Roadways. Alleys in residential developments are generally prohibited. Service roadways are generally required in commercial and industrial developments, except where other provisions for suitable access and off-street loading and unloading are assured.
   (j)   Portion of Tract. Where the plat to be submitted includes only part of the tract owned by the subdivider, the Commission may require topography and a sketch layout of the future street system on the unsubdivided portion.
   (k)   Relation to Major Streets. Where a new subdivision involves frontage along heavily travelled arterials, limited accessways, freeways or parkways, it is recommended and the Commission may require the subdivider to provide vehicular access to such frontage by one of the following methods:
      (1)   A parallel street, supplying frontage for lots backing onto the trafficway.
      (2)   A series of dead-end or short loop streets entered from and planned at right angles to a parallel street, with their terminal lots backing onto the trafficway.
      (3)   An access drive separated by a planting strip from the trafficway to which vehicular access from the drive is provided at points suitably spaced.
   Where any one of the above methods is used, deed covenants or other means shall be provided to prevent any private driveways from having direct access to the trafficway.
   (l)   Frontage Along Railroads. If a railroad is involved, it is recommended and the Planning Commission may require the subdivider:
      (1)   To so arrange his plat, where necessary, to permit future grade separation at highway and railroad crossings.
      (2)   To border the railroad with a parallel street at a sufficient distance to provide deep lots backing onto the railroad, or to provide, through deed covenant, a permanent buffer strip suitable for screen planting or another use compatible to the intended use of the subdivision.
      (3)   To provide dead-end streets at right angles to the railroad with the rear of the terminal lots toward the railroad.
         (Ord. 1955-5. Passed 3-1-55.)
   (m)   Street Identification Signs; Traffic Control Devices.
      (1)   Street identification signs shall be provided and installed by the developer in accordance with a plan to be furnished by the Director of Public Service; such signs shall be according to City specifications for street identification signs on file in the office of the Director of Public Service.
      (2)   Traffic control signs and other devices shall be provided and installed by the developer in accordance with a plan to be formulated by the Chief of Police; such signs and other devices shall meet specifications for traffic control as may be provided by the Chief of Police.
      (3)   No street shall be accepted by the City in accordance with Section 1115.08 until the provisions of this subsection have been complied with by the developer.
         (Ord. 1968-40. Passed 3-12-68.)